
No, “dicks” is fine. No one care when you use male genitalia as an insult but if it’s a woman’s, Oh lordy lou, do you know how many women you just oppressed from uttering that word, shitlord?

They were dancers, not strippers. But to your point, the article would have praised the event.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. If the women were paid for their time and they wanted to be there then great! If anyone felt uncomfortable about it they could have left just like people who aren’t comfortable at a strip club probably aren’t going to hang out in one.

There are two ways I truly feel we can fix this.

What a world we live in, where sexuality gets the most uproar from people. America should be more concerned about all the violence kids are being exposed to.

Wait why should we care that they paid for dancers? People like slutty dancers is that problem now? or is this more of a dress code issue slutty dancers cant dress as school girls? or did they pitch it as a black tie event?

I hate this PC world so much, people are such pussys. Wait I can’t use that, people are such dicks...wait..ummm...help me out here people.

It’s a truly stomach churning combination of fetishizing other groups’ miseries, trying to “understand” by false-comparing different historical experiences, and belittling the institution of American slavery.

I am also an historian and I cannot believe that any true historian would agree with this impossibly bogus article.

If she can play a blue alien, she can pull off portraying a slightly different black lady.

Listen, their company makes more money than yours. Get over it. Do you all fight over who gets the anti-Buzzfeed assignment for the week?

So you hate diversity is what I just read in that article. What the fuck do you really want? Literally your lambasting them for having a diverse Youtube channel. They have a myriad of points of view and yet that's worthy of scorn? I thought that what you liberal regressives were all about: DIVERSITY! It’s even

Except there’s no actual proof of a massive campaign of GG harassment, even as reported by Women In Action media. 1% of GG twitter accounts are actual harassers.

I agree. Social Justice is probably one of the worst cancers you can think of. It’s gonna take some work to get it’s influence out of gaming.

Donald Trump might be the next president of your country and this is what you decide to complain about?

This article does a fantastic job of trying to force any discussion of censorship into 1 of two camps, turbo harassment neck-beards or the enlightened ones. I dont think that was specifically your goal but its definitely the tone of the article.