
The ellipses countdown in your first sentence—from four, to three, to two, to finally one—is sheer poetry. And what's heretofore been sorely lacking in modern discourse is an incisive critique of domain names. Thank you, kind muse, for such a masterful work of creation. Yours is truly a wit wrought in the fires of

It can be four things.

Attorney Wayne Jarvis; it's my legal duty to inform you there is no candy in this room.

See: Fall of the Roman Empire, Persistence of the Holy Roman Empire

Laces out?


Alkaline Pee-o

Tracy Morgan would like a word.

Where's Whovian???

How bout a honk for the bushy?

Please keep doing this forever.

It got caught up in spam filter and I really don't want to retype it. Agreed on disagreeing.

But you are the one doing the equating, though? Because while yes, these false binaries of urban/rural, effete/salt-of-the-earth are indeed employed by (read: often conservative) media to divide liberals and conservatives along partisan lines, the author isn't doing that they same way within the world she built. It's

That's…a pretty tortured interpretation of the themes in the series. And a pretty tortured interpretation of how liberalism and conservatism shake out along class lines in the real world, too.

See if you can follow me here, but I think, and, granted, I could be wrong, but I at least get the impression that the authors are portraying the events in each work as a bad thing.

Please stop belittling me.

Yeah, I'm right there with you about the current state of affairs being a nightmare. I definitely regret my tone here, because I totally understand the desire to find a refuge from all the toxicity. I'm sorry.
I just caution people (including myself!) not to employ the same tactics in response, because I fear the

Because that's the lesson to learn here. Continue to use and beileve hyperbole because it reinforces your emotional grievances that are not actually backed up by facts. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?

Hands down, a classic action film.

How much could using a public restroom possibly cost, anyway? Ten dollars?