hamburgler sammich

Not only is it not the only Aston we’ve seen up here in the sticks (Bangor, ME), but, it’s not the only Aston in that color that I’ve seen up here.. I know it’s fun to think we’re all backwoods hillbilly wood boogers up here (only 55%) but, we’re sophisticated, dammit!

Mount St. Helens??? but, I don’t even know her... and she’s a Saint!

Doesn't that sound delicious...

Looks like a buck toothed, lazy eyed, redneck got busy with that ferr-in-errrr girl that moved in "down the way"

@nutbastard: You forgot the go-fasty stripes...

Hi, My name is Lauren, and I bought a really cheap ass walmart special notebook, that I'll be swearing at for the next 2 years... but it was "cheap"...

someone should etch up some fiiiiine Jalopmugs like those!!

Where's the bailout money when we need it???

Ummmmm.... would it still be a netbook?? Or is that your point??

Their business plan is as follows:

"99% of chevy and dodge guys have never driven an 03 cobra. This is a good thing, because if they did, GM and Chrystler would instantly go out of business due to a huge slump in car sales."

I bet ole BBC milks this video for all it's worth!!

@FromaBuick6: Shouldn't the Stig-Steer be driving?? Training laps??

begging for that big twin turbo mill from the camaro... mmmmmmmmmmm!!