Ew, screw that. (After mission ranking.) All that would do is introduce more toxicity. We don’t need to turn MonHun into THAT kind of multiplayer experience.
Ew, screw that. (After mission ranking.) All that would do is introduce more toxicity. We don’t need to turn MonHun into THAT kind of multiplayer experience.
GTA Online is getting a big new expansion next month. Called Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, it’ll let you run your own criminal organization and sell contraband across Los Santos. Still no word on the single-player DLC that was promised oh so long ago.
Im a big fan of 2D animation, but some parts of this intro felt a bit off, characters would look great in one instance but then flat and simple in another.
The intro was also a bit too long for my taste, but still good.
Has a whole lot more to do with the ports than the PC.
I would be told absolutely nothing about the data transfer rate?
I would be told absolutely nothing about the data transfer rate?
...especially considering that Godus Wars has been delivered as a free update to hundreds of thousands of users and the lower purchase price of the main game we understand previous Godus owners frustrations with this.
Even then it’s not fair. Look at me I made a level with 100 doors only 1 is the right one but hahaha I know the door and you don’t so you will have to check nearly all 100 to be right meanwhile I the MASTER OF THE LEVEL will just pick the right door and be on my merry way.
Nintendo made it CLEAR that their mobile offerings will NOT be what you see on consoles or handhelds. If you decided to ignore that and expect otherwise, thats on you.
So yeah, you surrender to someone, they play around with you like a cat with a mouse, then they shoot you anyway, because why wouldn’t they?
You didn’t bother to mention that Nintendo had to sign off on these being released, so in part you to have to thank Nintendo for allowing them to re-publish these.
God damn it I hate the internet sometimes
Why don’t you first tell us about the things you pirated?
I sing the first part to my son and he whispers back “a giant woman”
Pretty much exactly what mod developers are saying. Even ARMA modders have attempted to go to this, such as the guys behind Six Updater (and even ACRE makes money as they sell an advanced version of that famous radio mod for the military grade version of Bohemia Interactives ARMA 3, VBS3. )
Or, and this is crazy: try to get it right.
cool - this sends a nice clear message from gamers who just play things to gamers who are so passionate about their hobby they gain a level of professionalism at something related even at the expense of their health, well-being, free time and fiscal sanity.
Umm, Kotaku generally dislikes Nintendo, except during nostalgic moments or when something is very, VERY undeniably successful(see: They waited to stop reporting that the 3DS was dead when it was outselling every other console).
Moments like this is why I'm glad Nintendo takes risks. They fail hard sometimes, but at least there's something to learn from it all. I get that money and popularity are the main measurements of success in the console business, but I'd like to think it's the more abstract things that really define a console's legacy.