Majoras Mask in A Link Between Worlds wasn't an easter egg or a teaser to the future of what games they're going to release. Lorule is in the same world as Termina. it was the same mask in a different time.
Majoras Mask in A Link Between Worlds wasn't an easter egg or a teaser to the future of what games they're going to release. Lorule is in the same world as Termina. it was the same mask in a different time.
heheh I refuse Other M, it's not a thing, it doesn't exist :P
I can understand, I just personally prefer Samus but of course she won't pass the Bechdel test, she doesn't talk. I don't think Mariowould pass a male version of the test, hes never had a conversation and any semblance of one that can be pulled out of tiny cutscenes are always about the princess.
Where are all the gay ex-muslims? I'm being horribly under represented, that must mean there's lots of homophobic anti-atheists in the gaming industry!
I'm pretty sure Samus is a much better protagonist :P
Yeah, I was annoyed when they didn't make any homosexual assassins, my close friend boycotted the series because they haven't made any transgendered assassins. why don't we have any malaysian assassins? there's a race that's being hugely underrepresented in the assassins creed series. how about the asexuals? people…
it's because they're a completely different company to the other 2, the other 2 are just hardware hype machines, look at these graphics, all these polygons, we can render things, you can control chicago with your phone, you can do this, you can do that. it's all just talking. they're there to only sell you hardware,…
some issue, forget playing as a female assassin, I can't play as a gay assassin? that's worse!
they put it up because of articles like this.
Smash Bros. is pretty much the best place to debut them considering that toys coming to life and fighting it out was always the idea behind the game from the get go.
and you only leave skid marks on the roads if you're drifting around corners (by the third lap there's always tons of marks on hard turns). not angrily calling you out or anything, just letting you know incase it's something you missed.
it's not the graphical power that we're in awe of, we already know that it's going to have very solid gameplay because it's a first party Nintendo game, they are a company that care about the quality of the little details and releasing something solid (when has anyone had to ever patch a Nintendo game?) it's about…
English isn't my first language, though I don't use that as an excuse for bad english, I'm merely stating that the rules are confusing to me. I hadn't realized that the word transgendered is no longer the PC term, it keeps changing every year. I mean it's confusing to me when I'm told I shouldn't say 'black person'…
not at all, I understand that's exactly what's going on here. I was just adding that to my post as a more "general rule" thing to further explain my point.
I never said that wasn't what the author was doing. just stating how these things should be dealt with.
thats awesome, thanks a bunch for that. very appreciated.
abra caeditbra
that would be awesome, I'm currently at work, I'm not sure if this site has private messaging but would love to try it out if you can message it to me. thanks a million.
coolio, good way of dealing with it. was just replying because you pointed out you can only imagine how a member of the LGBT would think of this, figured I'd give at least one persons opinion whose a part of it.
I'm the gay married, I don't care. not all of us turn everything into an issue. game doesn't include gay marriage? that's fine, it's their game they make it how they want. I find it more offensive that people ruin other peoples art / work / writing because they want to shove their own issues (as valid as they may be…