
<small>Shut up.</small>

So now I have to navigate through a fashion cycle where I can't tell the difference between women who just dress this way because they like it versus women who are Gothpunks for the Season until the next trend catches on?

Heh, his whole bit on games was pretty good.

Gay Tony did a lot to fix that. In fact, if V improves on Gay Tony by half as much as Gay Tony improved on IV, it'll be rivalling San Andreas as my favorite.

I resemble that remark.

I reliably find Martin Short irritating as hell, but somehow Jiminy Glick works just fine for me. (I wouldn't say I love it, but someone already took Galaxy Quest.)

Christian Slater, obvs.

The AV article with have a big red NO on the picture, and will include angry quotes from Mike Mills.

Il n'est pas ton dude, mon frère.

On the contrary. They hate it when "offends" becomes successful.

If every episode was done as well as this week's, people wouldn't be asking why is AV covering this? anymore.

Actually, with the right cast pairing that could be a great companion piece.


Does The Long Goodbye count? I mean, Elliot Gould is kind of pleased with himself, but I'd be hard-pressed to call it a happy ending… Everyone is either dead or deprived in some way. Yet it feels kind of good.

I'm dropping in on this old thread to point out something now, so I can gloat properly about it later: the "Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!", followed by the "This is a turn-up" line at the pool, is the most explicit signal that Moriarty is already listening on 221B (at the very least).

Well, Mr. Bond. Within the hour, as this rope slowly lowers, you and your sexy space-rocket engineer companion will drown in the Bog of Eternal Stench.

DAMMIT. I fail.

Leave him alone, he's imagining Archmage's picky.


Seriously. He can't even get work these days.