
Because you like the experience of looking like Ron Perlman, we're done here.

I was hoping for a walk-off.

'Twas tweeted, so that was (as far as I know) the entire context. I think it was around the time the cave movie was being talked about a lot.

If she sincerely didn't know what MPDG is, then one has to conclude she has no cool friends left who aren't afraid to talk to her like she's an actual person, which makes me feel a little sad for her in her sheltered-celebrity cocoon-life. But maybe that's just because I like to white-knight the disorganized stonery

Man, that's a tricky cost/benefit ratio.

Wow. Movie God works in mysterious, ironic ways.

"Chuck Norris will die in bed. Werner Herzog will die falling out of a helicopter into a volcano." - Roger Ebert

The Heartwarming Castle Family stuff really needs to refresh itself in some way. It's becoming too treacly and straightfaced, and the fact that the entire Alexis thread was instantly predictable from the moment the words "letter from Stanford" were spoken made it an utter waste.

It's wrong on so many levels.


Everything you do is so dramatic and flamboyant, it just makes we want dress up and wave a placard from a small watercraft.

Hey! Sometimes I want a proper meal, and sometimes I want McNuggets, as long as those McNuggets are shaped like Nathan Fillion's head.

The three actors who had the most difficult jobs on that show, in reverse order: Tambor, Cross, and Charlize Theron. All three performed admirably.

The royal We, you know, the editorial- I dropped off the money exactly as per-

Although I have fond childhood memories of the song, I'm afraid any piece of music containing the "wheeeEEEEE!" whistle goes straight to the novelty bin and is not fit for inclusion in civilized discourse.

Stunned am I that nobody seems familiar with Cera's YouTube oeuvre. Search there for "michael cera flips out".

Let's hope so.

I had to watch The Ninth Gate three times before I finally got that.


I don't believe you.