"If the design of the clock is your primary decider in buying a car, the square-faced clocks in the E-Class are absolutely worth a look. Also, if this person exists, I'd like to meet them."
"If the design of the clock is your primary decider in buying a car, the square-faced clocks in the E-Class are absolutely worth a look. Also, if this person exists, I'd like to meet them."
James May in the "Bentley Mulsanne"
You know, that's exactly what I thought on seeing this: it's like a more angular 458 with an extra exhaust. That extra exhaust is clearly, in GM's mind, the middle finger being raised at the Italians.
If they didn't want people talking about it all the time, they shouldn't have made such a good show.
It's not just a box...it's kind of a wide coffin. Like, it'd be perfect for burying Fat Bastard in. You can get it on horizontally, but the amount of uncomfortable materials to ding yourself on (not a euphemism) coupled with the surprisingly tiny space makes for a lot of "Ow! Oops, sorry! Hang on, let me just..."…
Dallas drivers' inability to merge. Though that might be more of an American thing. In general Dallas isn't actually too bad; given that the city's pretty gentrified, most drivers are pretty courteous (for fear of dinging their Mercs or Beemers, doubtless).
So, a few years ago my beloved Volvo 240 estate was smashed to bits in a tragic accident that only served to confirm my faith in the notion that all people who drive PT Cruisers are fundamentally flawed. Given that I had a gig that night and that everyone in my band was either A) also without a car or B) a selfish…
You know what color the Prius C is? The color of the cheese powder in Kraft Mac'n'cheese. Kitchen epiphany.
The R8, because it was my first dream car and who really /wants/ a new 911 anyway?
First car/first love was a Volvo 240S. Lord, I miss that car so much; could fit a queen sized mattress in the back, or 9 people in total if you were willing to deal with the fact that it handled like a yacht. Sigh.
Friends and I en-route to Walmart to see if they sell gorilla suits, will update.
The Gulf-looking 911, or the 968 next to it with the NOTA911 plates. I was a little upset/made sick by the FF in olive green and the Cayenne in Honda-Fit-Orange. Didn't spot any McLarens in the parking lot, but I gather there were some there, so that's okay.
F me sideways...this transcends sexy and lands smack in the middle of pure evil. Yum.
Interesting question, in theory. In actuality, everyone just picked their favorite car (presumably in the hope that if it were made in large enough numbers they'd someday be able to afford it). So with that in mind...Volvo 240S Wagon. Because I can.
From a purely selfish point of view, I adore the Paris Metro. Yes, it's French. It's dirty. It smells. It's full of homeless people, many of whom don't even have the decency to play an instrument at you while they lunge after your pocket change. But the way it's laid out, the fact that you have to /walk/ almost as far…
Yes. In a [thump-thump] heartbeat. I realize this is probably heresy 'round these parts, but the nature of my initiation into car-adulation has so far left me bereft of the classics, the oldies, anything less than modern, really. I never had posters of cars on my wall as a kid, but I pinned up dueling photos of the…
My parents (both professors) drove Volvo 240's; eventually my dad bequeathed his (white 240s wagon) to me. Lovely, lovely thing.
It's been bouncing between $3.45 and $3.70 where I live.
I love the new review format, job well done there. The only quibble I have is that (in my view) for any given system that functions based on quantifiable factors, the absolutes must be defined before any other scores can be ascribed. The McLaren is an 85/100; okay, compared to what? What represents a 100, and what…