even better when it's a gay actor playing a gay character and it's not suddenly about/aimed at/secretly made for "the gays".
even better when it's a gay actor playing a gay character and it's not suddenly about/aimed at/secretly made for "the gays".
If he's taking steroids, he's not getting his money's worth.
Yeah, but there's something a little morbid about these as a grouping. Plus the description says, "do you have an everyday problem you wish someone had taught you to solve?" Clogged drain? Sure! But dead animal disposal and blood stain removal aren't exactly "everyday problems" at least not in my experience.
Is it just me, or is it both inappropriate/funny to have as the related stories. They almost seem like a progression. Make sure you have a sharp knife when killing your dog, blood stain removal is easy, and if you happen to try to rinse Spot down the drain, here's how to unclog it.....
I don't like ATHF all that good, but I'm good with a lot of the other Adult Swim stuff. Cartoons =/= for kids. You sound adult to me.
okay, found it, you have to "add a server". Odd.
Uh, it's almost August, way way way too late to be working on your beach body. Unless you're flying to Australia where it will be summer in a few months. You work on your "beach body" in the winter or early spring, as it will take 6-8 weeks to see any results no matter what your target is.
okay, someone please clue me in. I've looked all over this app and can't find where I access my dropbox. I have a dropbox account, I have the dropbox app on my phone sitting in a folder right next to ES file explorer, how on earth do I get to my dropbox from ES File Explorer??
Hackers are a different story altogether.
my fiance and I have a lot of fun playing Pain or Marvel Ultimate Alliance. The only thing I would say I regret about gaming is the backlog of games that are half started.
you do not have to share your circles with the outside world, or anyone.
Your posts suggests you actually didn't watch the show. If you did you would know that the show was only on for 7 seasons, that Giles (not Willow) was the Librarian, that Buffy had more than 2 friends, and that Willow closed out the show being more powerful than Buffy. You would also know that various characters were…
I rarely see iPads, actually. I mostly see android phones, DSLites, and the occasional Kindle here in Chicago. The only people I know with iPads are either very wealthy, or very geeky. Even the mac-loving designers and developers at my job are kinda "meh" about the iPad.
Chicago, Boston, New York. Large cities with lots of people on public transportation. Just sayin.
If you actually watched the show you'll remember the vamps weren't exactly SMART, nor particularly strong(the younger ones) nor trained in combat sometimes, so yes the weaker characters were able to take them out. MOST of the time they provided distractions, took out weaker foes, rescued victims/survivors, or (as…
well the original book of TWD came out in October the same year as the US release of 28 Days later. From what I understand it's just a coincidence that looks like an homage now that the TV show is up.
it works in the books. A super powered team is vulnerable to anything that restricts/nullifies super powers. Thus having some highly-skilled non-supers gives you an advantage in those scenarios.
he's also a hero, any armor is better than none, especially on areas involved in your main skill.
moreso the fact that a law enforcement officer jumps between alternate realties, and a father who has a son in one reality, but not in another.
I think some are not subheaded under others because you can (apparently) lose some of these and retain others. Is it possible for someone to have no sense of touch yet feel heat/cold? I would think so.