
@mailpip1: it could potentially take hours to find a car with enough gas to get them to the campsite. And every second they mess around in the city area gives the dead a better chance of swarming them.

I've explained, repeatedly the difference between a moving corpse(zombie) and a living sick person (infected).

I don't really have the time in my schedule to be stalking writers, I've got far too many other people who need my stalking attention. Very sorry, I'm sure you're all fine, upstanding, stalkees.

It's tragic, that's a given.

@Wolfabeast: Okay, some valid points —thanks for actually making a thoughtful conversation.

@JRD_2: Yes, I did read the article.

@crosis101: Well there went all my Star Wars street cred.

@lolita.d.haze: Sorry, lolita. Zombies do not come back to life. They are reanimated corpses. The difference is they do not breathe, they have no heartbeat, and none of the systems that make us living work in a zombie.

@Michael Lush: I thought it would be interesting, and while some of the points made by the author are valid — there's a glaring flaw with most of it.

28 Days later doesn't really qualify as a zombie movie because the infected aren't reanimated corpses and thus there is the possibility of a cure: plus zombies don't die of starvation, and the infected in 28 Days Later can, and do.

My spine remains untingled.

@Twyst3d: that's kind of beside the point. People are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

@RaptorCK: Or a motorcycle/moped.

I thought going "off the grid" meant literally leaving the civilized world and all technology behind for good. The "Grid" in question being the power grid and any connection you have to it(ie your monthly bills, credit cards, internet presence, etc.etc.)

@Jacknut: that's what's not clicking for me either. Unless IOS doesn't let you email yourself (would surprise me)

What gets missed in this discussion about left and right is UP and DOWN, so to speak. Politics is more like a four-square matrix in that regard. With Up being Authoritarianism and down being libertarianism. At least that's how it's labeled

LOVE SpringPad. It may replace a lot of little apps I have:)