@Martin: except for the part where they've avoided paying the devs for months/years at a time.
@Martin: except for the part where they've avoided paying the devs for months/years at a time.
you forgot a very obvious one:
First, a 24-hour return policy is not "generous", when you consider brick and mortar businesses give you 30 days. I realize many places don't have a return policy on software, but one which expects a 24 hour decision from anyone with a life is just plain ridiculous, and certainly not generous.
@freedomweasel: and on the flipside, my family keeps up with me on facebook so that when we do get together we don't spend the entire time catching up, we're mostly caught up, so we can do other stuff and have fun together.
@TheFu: I think "Mobile" in this context means "mobile device".
it's also great for doing batch conversions. I forget which format, but AVComic for Android doesn't do so well with either CBR or CBZ, I use ComicRack to batch convert to the other format and voila—-lunch/train reading material on my phone!
@s02mike: I have no idea if vitamins would work as well. Your body isn't designed to process vitamins in pill form to begin with, so my guess is no.
sleep is super important to health, well being and working out. If you're not getting enough sleep you're not going to get the results you want.
@cowboybebopfan: Yes, but vonage has a lovely $50, non-negotiable cancellation fee regardless of why you're cancelling.
@mchex: Don't get your new phone from them before checking out Best Buy. BB has way better prices for Sprint phones.
@Dante Franco Miranda: You don't have to forget all your old friends, but don't spend every weekend going home to visit with them.
@TehBeardMan: BANANAS. Seriously. When someone comes into the emergency room and may/does have alcohol poisoning, they give them an IV of potassium. A friend of mine once called a nurse pal of hers because her hangover was so awful, and that's exactly what he did, brought over an IV and a bag of Potassium. Medical…
1)When it's just the two of you AND the other person has gone to the bathroom.
I share vaguely, and or after the fact. 'That was a great concert!" When I'm promoting a show I might say "off to rehearsal for XYZ" but unless you know that I was at work, and where my rehearsal is, there's very little you can do to "locate" me.
@MrNobodyWTB: Personally I would love to have a cell-b-gone on the train here in Chicago.
tweezers? how?
I've had one of these for awhile on my G1, both for GPS navigation and for public transportation.
@dromon: comparing healthcare to a consumer product like, say, dinner and a movie is ridiculous.
@collex: 20 minutes? Drooling over everything, constant supply of mud? Are you sure you owned a dog and not a tadpole or something?