
@Enginerd: No, it's not. Watch TV sometime, they only let the bad guys and or characters of questionable morals smoke anymore (unless it's a period piece), all the major cities have banned smoking in restaurants and now bars. Hell, Chicago has an ordinance where you can't smoke unless you're at least 15 feet from

I think it's funny that coffee is the only socially acceptable drug addiction.

@jcphil: it's not real great for your teeth or stomach though.

Chocolate Milk has been known as "the poor man's protein drink" for a little bit now.

@timgray: I shave twice a week, luckily that's about all I need. Wed and Sun. Save on shampoo, hair products, and haircuts.

@timgray: Depending on the area, they probably don't have to deal with humidity, that exacerbates temperatures and disables your body's natural cooling system: evaporated sweat.

@Seeräuber Jenny: I don't see how that's possible. Both Claritin and the Aldi generic contain the exact same amount of loratidine per pill.

@Seeräuber Jenny: Exactly, just be careful if it says it's "time release" as that can mean the outer coating is supposed to dissolve slowly and release the inner layers, if you cut in in half, you will mess up the time release and it could be very unpleasant.

@Seeräuber Jenny: actually ramen isn't all that unhealthy, especially when you don't use all of (or any of) the seasoning that comes with it. The way jrhawk phrased it, it sounds like he's using the ramen noddles (just the noddles) as a substitute for other, more expensive rice and noodles.

I love cutoffs, but not with dress pants. I didn't want to buy them in the first place, I don't want to cut them up into shorts, either.

i use dailyburn.com (which has a mobile browser-friendly address at dailyburn.com/iphone ) to track my calories and my workouts. It's great because you can set it up to adjust your calorie allowance for the day based on your workout results.

@peteverona: you would actually still pay $500 a semester (what's your major, I never paid that much?)

@madgunde: except that styli for capacitive screens is a crapshoot.

@Ryodestined: Actually it's more so that people don't buy the digital book and they sit there with a warehouse full of stock that doesn't go anywhere. It costs money to house all that merchandise, and every day it sits on the shelf it costs more than it was worth to make in the first place. They've gotta pay for

@CaffineFreakUs: I absolutely disagree, I never buy expensive clothes. The most I ever pay for a pair of jeans or a shirt is 20 bucks. I still have jeans I bought when I was 20 and I'm about to turn 33. I've even got stuff from high school that's in great condition.