
It's easy enough to conceive that the guy in charge of the security system noticed something, pointed it out to the fellow speaking in the video where they then constructed an elaborate story about these two regular businessmen so that they could garner the attention of the "conspiracy theory" community.

Now playing

When I saw "VHS HORROR GAME" I immediately thought of this. Enjoy ;)

Why is Superman wearing armor, and why doesn't said armor include a helmet?

Okay, sure, he's wearing armor... WITHOUT A HELMET! What's the point? Is his head immune to the things that his body is not?

I really just couldn't pass this opportunity up...

i mean, yeah sure his head is safe but was he wearing an invisible airbag helmet for his nards? that bike just cost him his future legacy...

why has there no videos?

the security codes are "say hello" and "to my little friends" Zap! SWOOSH!

ONLY if Vanilla Ice wrote some music for it... " Go Squirtle, Go Squirtle, GO!!! " *dances* *hugepants*

Do they sell this at or is the person who made it employed by Target?

OMFG! 75cents says the Illusive Man is the Shadow Broker.

@Mulder: Holly Conrad has the best Tali cosplay out there!

if you find yourself without a hose you can always puncture the gas tank with a hammer and screwdriver. you'll probably want a shallow metal pan or you can get these heavy duty plastic numbers at any autozone. the plastic ones are are actually flat hollow tubs made for draining oil (may need that too) and usually come

... and there are men who beat-ass with sword-staff things and magic and awesomeomgwtf *headsplode*


ah gawd, if he chops his own head off i'm gonna hurl.

Where did Smeagol get a Fire Extinguisher?