Black privilege exists too: as long as you’re on the college’s athletic team at Baylor... or Penn State.
Black privilege exists too: as long as you’re on the college’s athletic team at Baylor... or Penn State.
Yeah working with Polanski. This woman is such a hypocrite.
I can remember reading that and thinking she’s a mean shit. Her friendship with Mel Gibson only sealed the deal.
I must not get out enough to the movies (or is she referring to TV I don’t watch?) but the last rape movie I can remember seeing was The Accused.
Hmm.. and I forgot to add... the Castros have the added advantage of IF they can get out the Hispanic vote in Texas (and Tejanos NEVER vote which is why Texas is a red state), Texas would go blue. That would cut the throat of the GOP.
I’m assuming it will probably be one of the Castro twins. They are definitely up-and-comers though, unfortunately, they look like they’re teenagers.
As there are no Japanese-American actresses whose names could get a movie funded, it is sort of pointless complaining. Had they chosen an unknown actress, the movie would never have been made. That’s Hollywood and that’s commerce, folks. If there are good Japanese-American actresses out there (and I’ve heard of none),…
What is even odder about Song’s comment (or that he’s a BernieBro) is that Bill Clinton had to go to N Korea personally to get his (dare I say “attention whore”?) sister-in-law out of jail.
They’ve got him on security footage. She walked by him, he was riding his bike, then he stopped and started following her and pulled an object that is being described as a shiny, long stick-like object from his bag. If he raped her (and there are suggestions he did), there’ll be DNA evidence that’s irrefutable.
Then again, they’re only attacking the Dems as they already know the GOP hates them.
This is becoming so striking: the media haven’t ever vetted Bernie and gloss over any gaffes he makes - like the Daily News interview. They drag Hillary over the coals - as they should - but Bernie has been getting a free ride and I can’t help but feel certain segments of the allegedly “liberal” media is actually…
It was a very different world back then. I think it’s difficult for anybody who wasn’t reading the headlines back then, about all the ‘crack murders’, to realize that everybody - black and white - wanted somebody to take severe measures against the people who were murdering kids in the black community.
Have you read Bernie’s interview with the NY Daily News? I mean it’s shocking. He has no idea what he’s doing, what he’s going to do, how anything works. I couldn’t believe it.
Which proves once again that it doesn’t take brains to be a good actor.
Thank God! This will be this generation’s Mommie Dearest.
She was 11. 11 year olds are already very aware of their surroundings and what’s going on. I think I’d believe her over the National Enquirer and conspiracy theorists.
Ms. Gregson Wagner came down very definitely in defense of her stepfather. And she knows him pretty well. She says it’s an accident. I believe her.
Is it now politically correct for actors to play people with intellectual disabilities to try to win Oscars? I thought those days were gone - like blackface. I guess not.
I’m talking living abroad for 15 years and raising two kids and taking them to films with subtitles. Kiddie films are systematically dubbed in the language of each market they are distributed in because kids can’t cope with them. Sometimes songs are left in English.
Presidents don’t attend the funerals of former first ladies, first ladies do.