Hannah Black is, as far as I know, a biracial Brit who lives in Germany. How can she claim to know the African American experience?
Hannah Black is, as far as I know, a biracial Brit who lives in Germany. How can she claim to know the African American experience?
He is apparently from Pennsylvania. He is of Polish descent. Or, rather, Polack if you prefer. Somebody could tell him a few jokes...
She sounds very much like she has borderline personality disorder... otherwise known as a “bunny boiler”. They don’t handle rejection well at all.
Where is Kubo and the Two Strings? It shouldn’t just win Best Animated Film, it should win Best Picture flat-out.
Reassured you found it disappointing as I have no intention of seeing it given the fact Casey Affleck’s joined Nate Parker on my shitlist. I assume in this movie (like in every other movie I’ve seen him in) he’s morose, angry and depressed. Never seen him do anything else.
The UT SUREWalk initiative is actually serious business, particularly after the rape and murder a few months ago of Haruka Weiser. SUREWalk also is thumbing its nose at the Texas legislature which forced UT to allow campus carry despite protests by the Chancellor, the President, professors and students. Fuck the GOP.…
Uh... no. Saw the rave reviews for Moana, went to see it and it’s a decidedly underwhelming experience. Two days later I can’t remember anything but how awful The Rock’s character looked.
The Man in Black is Walter Padick, Marten Broadcloak, Walter O’Dim and of course Randall Flagg.
This is where I saw it. Might still be up:
His movie’s dead and his career will disappear. Poor woman. And Parker still thinks he’s the victim.
WikiLeaks provided hacked material from the DNC and the DCCC. But nothing from the RNC? Isn’t that odd? Russians apparently were behind the hacks. The DNC hacked emails get released just before the Convention to embarrass the Democrats. Edward Snowden has been given asylum by Russia.
Idris and Matthew look superb. Can’t wait for this one. I’m imagining the pyrotechnics in the confrontation of these two great actors. I hope the film lives up to its source and doesn’t forget the face of its father.
She must be playing someone in the ‘Wild West’ scenario because she wasn’t pictured on the set in NYC, only Elba, McConaughey and the kid playing Jake were. The movie apparently doesn’t follow the book and starts in the middle of the story. Maybe she’s playing some version of Alice in Tull?
Did she get fired after she aired that (surprisingly courageous for Faux News) bit about how she supports common sense gun control?
Thank you. I’d love to.
Just what the world needed: a fat Iggy Pop.
Bye Bernie. You are a #SoreLoser and a #PainintheAss, typical #NarcissisticPolitician.
Actually Sea of Trees was released in continental Europe a few months back and even got some good reviews. The problem was - once again - there was a ghost! Cannes just hates ghosts. Filmmakers: if you stick a ghost in your movie, never, ever show that movie in Cannes. It, uh, spooks, people.
This comes on the heels of the scandal at Baylor with college athletes getting away with rape. Colleges need to stop coddling sexual predator athletes. Penn State was only the tip of the iceberg.
Yes, people with disabilities just love being presented with a scenario that they’re “better off dead”. Repulsive. And enough with people with disabilities being portrayed by actors trying to get Oscars. There are disabled actors out there - with physical disabilities and learning disabilities - all they ask is the…