
This shit is an absolute travesty. Basically they made a watered down Hannah Montana movie, threw in some manufacture teen melodrama and slapped a “Jem and the Holograms” title on it. Sacrilege!!!!!

Sometimes I’ve picked up some ultra cheap lipstick just because it came in an edgier color. I’ve also found some of the more inexpensive brands at Target, drug stores, etc have way higher pigments than department store brands that cater to an older demo. The higher pigment is so much better for darker skin, can’t tell

Yup, American Eagle jeans are the only ones that fit me perfectly, even though I’m inching ever closer and closer to 40. And agreed, their leggings are legit.

So fucking derivative... at least if Tay Tay was going to try to be edgy, why not try something original? Complete rip off. And why are so many people with legitimate careers of their own so OK with playing the voiceless back ups to the bowl of day old oatmeal known as Taylor Swift? I don’t get it. She makes her

I am definitely not the target demo for Lily, lol, and you most certainly wouldn’t have caught me camping out for it, then again I wouldn’t camp out on a Sunday morning for anything. But I have to agree with you, I think a lot of the snark veered into that old trope that southerners are too dumb to know anything about

First, I love this gif so much! Second, exactly this. I work in a laid back industry but for a lot of women in the South in more traditional fields, a short skirt still requires hose (ain’t gonna happen), or pants (might as well be encase my legs in little portable ovens), so that leaves a maxi and I think they look

This. So much this!

Right, and to me it was even worse than that, it read more like, “look at this sad, angry chubby girl scooping out her bagel and drinking a Diet Coke, can’t she tell its not working...and she’s in a MAXI dress eew.” This is some next-level Mean Girl shit right here.

Yeah. What was the point of this? An entire article dedicated to the ideal dress length for a woman of a certain age? In 2015? I will tell you a maxi in a breathable, flowy fabric is one of the only ways ladies in the swampy Georgia heat can even attempt to look presentable when shorts or short skirts aren’t option.

This entire project was wrong on so many levels, hope it never sees the light of day. I mean really, no one thought putting Zaldana in this role was problematic? No one???

This, exactly this. The humblebrag hashtags are the worst! Otherwise, snap away!

Agreed! More of this please!

She can get huffy with the tow company all she wants, and even angrily point out the ways in which she disagrees with their decision to tow her car. But she lost all credibility when she started attacking this person on their looks and assumed lack of education. That is where she revealed that she’s just an average


This right here! A bright lip and some mascara and you're ready to hit the streets!

I don't know, a lot of my friends with fair complexions feel clownish in bold color, especially on their lips. I absolutely love color and don't think fair skinned women embrace it nearly enough. Full disclosure, I'm AA, and have drag queens in my family so I fell in love with over the top stage make-up at an early

You just made my little day!

Nope, now I’m certainly going to start...

Ooh I bet the was lovely! Good pick on that one!

I don’t know, this isn’t really new. I bought my prom dress at a high end mall store many, many, many moons ago. They registered each dress and school so that two people couldn’t wear the same dress. Now, in my adult (occasionally) mind another girl wearing the same dress wouldn’t bother me. But at the time, I used my