@DrakeDatsun: Im not selling it short, for example I think the LOTR movies were a great example of how to balance the use of CG.
@DrakeDatsun: Im not selling it short, for example I think the LOTR movies were a great example of how to balance the use of CG.
I have mixed feelings on CG. I tend to move towards disliking its overuse, and for reasons usually unrelated to the general plethora of generic reasons.
I was wondering where the graphic designers from BPs PR firm went after that fiasco.
That is just so cool.
@Akio Morita: They forgot to enable "Vampire mode"
@Super Happy Hats!: That application in an iphone/android app alone is worth millions.
Incredibly cool idea. That being said thanks to this all videos are now fake and folks who yell "shopped!" can now yell "Broll'd"!
It was well done. Ive seen Matt Groening touch on this type of thing before, most notably (for me) in Futurama with the E-waste:
@uzter54: You win. Heres $20 so you can slide down the pole.
@tehsquish: I concur, which is why things like ACTA and COICA give me serious pause.
If nothing else can be learned from this whole scenario, its that the internet is a powerful tool.
I often find the best response when stuff like that is said is to continue doing what Ive been doing to KISS and Gene Simmons for all of my life:
@Sam Biddle: Im here to help ;)
@xaronax: What did you do? Capitalize the S?
@Hvedhrungr: I can pretty much sum up life with tl:dr
@soldstatic: your google voice number. Lets take it slow people!
@WPA hole:
@jblues: I jump in it.
@Le Starman Royale, duc des Mudkips et des modules MIDI: The internet. Duh!
Apparently, you CAN argue with a big deal.