This concept is so full of holes you could use it as a tennis racket.
This concept is so full of holes you could use it as a tennis racket.
@Zalethon: No worries. All my comments should be taken with a grain of salt anyway - and some tequila doesnt hurt, either.
Sorry, those look nothing like the originals from the movie.
@Anonymoose: It has been many a year since I have last seen that. Kudos to you sir.
They also announced today that they got an $800 million supply contract with the USAF.
@Zalethon: Pardon my lack of clarity. By "a citizen army" I was referring to the meaning of army as "a great multitude" - in this case of pro-active citizens.
@Pope John Peeps II: I call to organize a Gizmodo BBQ on Pope John Peeps IIs nice public property driveway! ;)
@Strakus: hearted for that sir.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..."
If anyone is interested there is a movie called "Soup to Nuts" (1930) that Rube Goldberg actually wrote (and makes a brief appearance in) that features a few of his machines including an auto hat tipper (for the gentleman to passing ladies if its a brisk night and he prefers to keep his hands warm in his pockets) as…
Awesome! ... not lets get ones that picks up floating plastic and set em loose!
cold boot attacks anyone?
@Lazarus511: You're absolutely right, its not the terrorist standard pistol grip stock-less AK-47.
@Namarrgon: Thank you for this comment. I was about to get angry about the Kurzweil books I have, particularly "Fantastic Voyage" even though I have followed exactly none of its advice to this point... Still its nice to know at least that the man isnt a total quack.
@Andrew from FabulousSavings: ... unless you're the Penguin.
@MJDeviant: Money is the only thing the government cares about. Take some from them and they make sure it doesn't happen again.
@Grindhouse Murders: Someone should sue the camera operator for making sure that no clear shots of police brutality were captured. THAT is garbage. Cameras work both ways, and manipulating them so that they do not help the public (a citizen) in a situation such as this defeats their purpose all together.