Mildish Tarentino

Looks like a bad Chinese knock-off, possibly Carmit the Newt.

Yeah it’s hard to grow up right when daddy still acts like a toddler himself.

Horrible person who willfully inspires other horrible people to be more horrible is having is children “terrorized for life”, because of reasonable people pointing out how horrible he is.

They thought about creating a MLS All Star Team to compete, and quickly realized they’d still finish dead last in the standings and attendance.

Very well could be, although all the farm boys in my area have switched from Carhartt to Tough Duck.

Which is to say, that since it’s in the Senate, it doesn’t count at all?

Came to make a resistance is futile joke.  You’re way smarter than me.  Best of luck assimilating all your stars.

YOU are the problem. You want to attack the symptom, not the disease. It doesn’t matter two fucks what area we’re talking about. Drug addiction IS a mental health issue, full stop.

I can’t buy crack with a sandwich mothafucka!”

“Internecine Beeves” sounds like a great name for a certain type of film with an all female cast.

To be fair, it was widely reported Trotz was leaving the Capitals before the playoffs even started last year.  I suppose that doesn’t really change your point that they couldn’t convince him to stay...

It’s not about the percentage of the population who has no brain and just believes everything he says, it’s about that other part who have half a brain, usually lean Republican, but need a little bit of actual convincing.  Scapegoating Obama/Hillary worked in 2016, how is scapegoating the House in 2020 not going to

You got it dude.

Trump will now have nothing to campaign on in 2020 other than his tax cut last year

Before last night his claims were baseless, now once the inevitable drop off in the economy happens, his accusations that it’s the Dems fault will actually carry weight with some voters outside of his blind followers.

I agree reaction to last night from the left should be positive, it was good thing...

Jays fan here, sames, we empathize. Can we bond over Mark Buehrle stories or somethin?

Well obviously... when you wake up already at work, it does change the entire dynamic.

Right? WTF difference does it make on a farm what time it is between sunrise and sunset? I’m pretty sure the corn doesn’t care if it’s harvested at 2:00pm rather than 3:00pm.

Only psychopaths do anything besides shower and eat before work.