Mildish Tarentino

So.... your proposal is that instead of permanent DST they go to permanent ST, so they’d just be an hour off from the rest of the Pacific time zone for a different half of the year...?

Normal people who don’t give a shit if it’s dark in the morning but enjoy daylight after work.

While we’re at it, we could just change the entire system. I mean, some asshole just decided which times of day should be when. Why the hell doesn’t the start of a new day coincide with when people start their day!?!

Sounds like you need to change your living conditions, as having to be awake @ 5AM is making you a cranky asshole to random strangers posting innocent Kinja comments.

Sounds like both of those opinions are from the same end of the political spectrum....?

Alright, I came here totally pro E-voting, yours is about the 7th anti E-voting post I’ve read, and I’ve had my mind changed. Congrats on getting my conciliatory reply.

I get your point, but you’re being a little dismissive to the OP. Physics is physics, we can agree on that. Saying we absolutely know for a fact we’ve discovered every material/mineral/substance in the universe is definitely a stretch.

It could be that, or it could be that old people are naturally losing their cognitive facilities and quick recall ability through the very real process of aging.


As usual, I am solidly against any realignment plan that leaves the Blue Jays in the same division as the Red Sox and Yankees :P

The difference in:

The guys on 590 (Toronto sports radio), were split this morning on whether the video should be shown or not. Somehow they had all made their peace with the fact that the contents of the video should be reported on, but showing the video itself was a point of further contention. I don’t really see the difference. On

Dude, this is better football analysis than I’ve heard from anyone on any major network this year.

Dude they’re NHL players not NBA players.

Man, that Boomer line still isn’t dropping off fast enough...

That an elected official expressing that he supports the continued politicizing and and “partisan-izing” of the Supreme Court, is the least troubling part of what he said, is fucking terrifying.

Dude, rock music has been dead since 2007, and was only kept alive from 1999 thru 2007 by Jack White.

“I’m gonna spew a whole bunch of shit not backed up by facts at all about a highly successful and talented artist because I don’t like his music”

Foghorn was the one who most often used that phrase, you are correct sir. In terms of your etymology of the phrase, I’d imagine it’s like most “verbed” swear words, where you can fuckin sub it the fuck in for what-fuckin-ever fuckin part of fuckin speech you fuckin like.

Man fuck those robots.  Nothing ruins pace of play like having to wait for a fight to death at first base every time there’s a routine grounder.