Mildish Tarentino

Seattle’s win/loss record since 2012:

I’ll debate that anyone commonly refers to an amount of heroin as a “a line”, but damn are you ever right on that 2nd point.

parents are more concerned with posturing on Facebook than their kids’ safety not providing pedofiles with pictures of their kids to jack it to.

It baffles me that people still don’t understand how this works.

You’re the guy who thinks a pitcher had a good night when he had 10 K’s and the team lost 18-1 aren’t ya?

He’s like the Bizzaro Cris Carter.

This is a team that made the playoffs last season

Counterpoint: Scotch is fucking disgusting.

Judging by the number of parents who willfully post DAILY pictures of their children to FB, Insta, etc. No, people don’t know.

Joe Buck™  : “Feigning Outrage Long Before It Was Cool”

That’s right, Foghorn was a caricature of a Southern gentleman, and Yosemite Sam was a caricature of a pissed off redneck. I think the OP picked the right one.

Oh yeah, it’s totally that guys fault that a system exists where arbitrarily having to move your car 15 feet every 2 hours to a spot that is for all intents and purposes exactly the same as the one you just moved from to avoid “breaking the law” is a thing.

Don’t worry, we all get that he’s a moron whether the gun actually went off or not.

Oooooh, yeah, that, ewwwwww. Everyone else went straight to war crimes, good job on throwing this one out there.

Man you can’t even fall in the water anymore without him riding up on a jet-ski yelling “DJ KHALID!!!!!!!” trying to get it on it.

Holy shit... He’s football Trump...

I really don’t understand how these people function on a daily basis.

You’re welcome.

I’d entertain an argument that involved starters vs. starters, and factors in that, on the whole, athletes are well... more athletic, today than they were 25 - 30 years ago.