Mildish Tarentino

Don’t forget 3 yard slant routes to Randall Cobb

Whoa, came here to post a TLDR before I even read it, but holy shit this is actually TDLR.  Anyways,

Skin colour dude, duh.

Ummmm, do you live in Canada? Because it most definitely is a thing

I have recently discovered the joys of ginger beer and recently moved right next to a grocery store that sells the real Jamaican stuff for $1.50 ($CAD) for a 2L, as opposed to the $10 for 6 stubby hipstery “artisan” glass bottles most places carry. You can pry it from my cold dead hands.

You obviously haven’t spent much time around Millennials, a 26 year old in 2018 has about the maturity level of a 14 year old from 1978.

But... but... but...

Holy shit, someone who knows less about hockey than Barry.

If no celebrity worship culture existed, and we stopped being gossip whores and just enjoyed artists for their art. None of this would be possible.

Frats and sororities below the Mason-Dixon Line generally.

I this vauge criteria already qualifies a larger portion of the population than you might think as Lil Pumps.

+1000000 for the Bojack reference.
-1 for not fully conceptualizing how I can pull off a Vincent Adultman costume.

Now playing

Don’t want to fuck with your rankings, just wanted to point out that the Beastie Boys deserve a spot, because they not only can’t stop, they also don’t and won’t stop:

As someone with a modicum of experience in crushing things with other things, that’s actually very impressive how well they got that can centred so it crushed straight down and didn’t kick out to either side.

Terrapins?  More like TERRIBLE-pins, amiright?

Unlike mocking the mentally disabled, mocking Kid Rock should be encouraged at all levels of society.

Well someone sure doesn’t appreciate hanging out with scantily clad ladies.

Shit, I thought it was Tammy Lauren.

I’m not sure... I think that a cat who is a librarian is the least likely scenario here, they’re a librarian of cats, but that does lead to more questions...

I’m surprised she’s showing off those forearms so brazenly, hussy.