Mildish Tarentino

You think that would actually slow them down?

I’m honestly starting to feel like a Man Without a Country with of all this Hocus Pocus going on.

I’m just grateful that after 5 seasons without Jermichael Finley, he’s finally realized every shitty TE he’s designed plays for since, is not Jermichael Finley.

Careful with that, equating Khalil Macks with Bears might offend some bears.

Holy fuck, it’s almost like there’s a double standard for weapons which have the capability to kill a whole lot of people in a short amount of time or something.  You should tell someone about this.

Man, the NRA WANTS THIS. They’re doing fucking victory dances over this shit.

Seen later: Drew’s date awkwardly explaining that she wasn’t old enough to stay up past 8:00 when his sitcom was still on the air.

Hey give me a whole weekend and I could probably bang out 100 pushups too

A conservative that’s 10 50 years behind the times?

who apologized and called it a poor decision. He claimed the costume idea was a last-minute decision, and

*checks with Mariners fans from 4 years ago*

You could tell the whole time Machado just wanted that AB to be over ASAP.

I resent the implication that they were “fine” in the first place.

2011 called, they want their “new band” back.

Reasons an 18 year old girl would have sex with a 38+ year old man:

Can we just have sensible people from BC run the country already?  And I say that as a person who who works for a massive oil company.

Yeah, this.
I’ve never had ANY trouble returning anything either.

So, just for accuracy people, please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything from this list.

Funny enough, Stevie Nicks once hired an assistant to blow it up her ass

So... like, it’s semi-interesting and all, but even if you buy that it wasn’t edited to try and make it look like people leaving at the end of the rally were leaving early, it doesn’t really explain why they were leaving, which seems a little weird considering the guy was THERE.