Mildish Tarentino

All of the stars, all of them.

Ummm, because they were, because a pop-rock band with horns is a Ska band.

He deserves better, MNF is where football dudes go to die.

GoP Strategy:

I’m sure he resents that the state is paying for this person’s room and board

The NHL is allowed to draft 18 year olds straight out of wherever already (with the major caveat that they can go back to junior or college if they don’t sign a pro contract), and it’s about 0 -2 players in the entire league every year that stick with the pro team, and even then only one about every 5-10 years is an

VGK’s season/playoff run was a fluke, fueled almost entirely by a veteran goalie playing way above his career (esp. career playoff) average, plain and simple. For previous examples, see Panthers, Florida, circa 1996, and Canucks, Vancouver, circa 1982. You’re absolutely right that they did absolutely nothing to make

Very good point.

Holy shit, that’s actually a realistic scenario...

Right you are, once again illustrating that unregulated free market capitalism was never designed to be a fair system for the average human.

Agree to a point, no one should have to commute more than 1 hour each way to work.

Hey that’s great to hear! Honestly, no sarcasm. You’re absolutely right that there lots of fantastic cities outside of LA, SF and NYC.

This is what happens when you take away an athlete’s permission to curse.

Very fair point yourself, consequences of leaks and spills are much greater. I have no doubts at all that if we absolutely needed to pipe water from the Arctic to Mexico it could easily happen.

North Korea’s population in 1950 - 9.4 million
Vietnam’s population in 1964 - 37 million
Afghanistan’s population in 2002 - 21.4 million

Debatable if oil and gas products are “more difficult to handle than water”. I’ll grant you even diluted crude is pretty thick, but pretty much all finished products are either in vapour form or more viscous than water, and all petroleum products have the distinct advantage of not freezing in slightly sub-zero

I think you’re underestimating the amount of pipelines that already criss-cross the continent carrying various petrochemicals.

It’s not voting day yet sir, there’s still time.