Mildish Tarentino

Both you and the OP seem to be largely missing the point that:

This, this, this, OMG this! Why in the sweet fuck can’t a basketball or football player be drafted, and then continue his minor league or university/college career/education if he doesn’t sign a pro contract right away. For all the BS excuse reasons there are not to pay them, I haven’t even heard or read ANY reasons,

Holy shit you’re right....

This is a good policy and all if you’re worried about shady dudes, however I’ve experienced a few Airbnb’s now where the person whose picture you see on the app/represents the rental unit online, is definitely not the person who owns, maintains, or lives in the unit. On two occasions now I’ve been in contact with

+ 0.186

No, no, you’re very right, perhaps brainwashed was a bad choice of words. At they very least it applies much more so to the German army since no one was actually threatening Germany’s sovereignty at the outset of WWII. You’re absolutely correct, Regardless of the “official” motivations of leaders on either side,

Fuck every night, pretty much 100% of the time I’m at home and am not expecting visitors. I don’t wear them to sleep though, au natural for me, which may be weird considering how much I wear them while awake. I also have a range from t-shirt material to flannel depending on season. It’s essentially the same as someone

I’ve tried to find some actual statistics to support this, but surprisingly there’s not really a readily available formula for straight up “view count” of a video, vs. how many “unique views” that actually is on average.

Strong CotD contender.

Uh nope, but guys do get driven into the end boards by players “finishing their check” about 50 times a game never mind 5, and if your feet are in the wrong position, I’ve seen many a player come up off their skates and take a similar trajectory down towards the ice without the opposing player driving him down at all.

S’alright bud, hockey fans don’t really give a fuck what obvious non-hockey fans who think the game is still played the way it was in the 70's think.  Keep your fake outrage for your next MAGA rally there Mr. “I like beer”.

+1 factory relocated to Siberia

If your options are, stay where you are, have no car, no transit and no job, or move to somewhere where you can be gainfully employed and have a life. Then yup, you definitely should.

This is always, always, ALWAYS, going to be the problem, because liberal voters tend to be more well read on issues and their candidates and demand a higher standard for the people they choose to represent them. Thus it appears that we’re always nit picking apart our own side, intentionally or not. We understand

Dude, pointing out their own stupidity is SOOOO not polite.

I’m all for tearing down every thread of Confederate junk there is that serves to glorify their cause at all. That being said, leave the fucking soldiers who died in the war alone. If France can have enough dignity that they still maintain WWII era German soldiers’ grave sites, it’s the least that can be done for

They still had to cover him didn’t they? Didn’t they?!?

Eh, it’s kinda like 1st generation immigrants vs. 2nd generation though. Their kids will still be socialized with the prevailing “culture” of the area. The worst ones are the ones who have to try the hardest to prove they fit in.

Nailed it