Mildish Tarentino

Get Americans to care about hockey.  We haven’t had much luck for about a century now, but you’re welcome to try!

Why did you (who obviously has a working knowledge of hockey and the NHL), get stuck with this article (which you nailed btw), while another writer got to completely butcher the “actual” season preview?

Full disclosure, most of my pro-wrestling takes are approx. 15 years old.

That’s a hell of a lot better than spending it on the normal useless government garbage. Y’know, like roads, bridges and non-lead pipes.


Preaching to the (reverse?) choir bud, absolutely loving looking forward to the Jays being stocked with great young talent and finishing 3rd (or occasionally 4th because the Rays are weird and always win when they shouldn’t) to the Yankees and Red Sox for the 10 years.

Don’t you guys have one token Canadian on staff for hockey articles? I mean, I realize no one reads Deadspin for the hockey coverage, and 95% of your readership could give two shits less about the NHL, but I watched like 5 hockey games last year before the playoffs and I could write a better summary of each team off

That was kind of my point, that due to how those votes are allocated based on geography rather than population, they have permanent and irreversible (barring some magic reconfiguration of senate representation and/or the electoral college), disproportionate power. Centuries old gerrymandering is still gerrymandering.

Really? The 39.8 million people who live California with 2 Senate votes and 55 electoral collage votes might disagree.

I remember being in middle school during the whole DX vs. Harts / Canada vs. US thing, and being actually worried it might start a war. There was real nuclear audience hate going on there on both sides.

I feel like we went through this on Deadspin already, like, within the last 2-3 months. Sure it wasn’t right at his face, but 99.99999% of humanity is still flinching in that situation.  I am not wrong.

Super Bowl Parties are a thing in the States - Super Bowl Parties are a thing in Canada

Do you think Trump could put aside his ego for 5 seconds for the acronym joke? Could he forgo having the USA named first in the the agreement, as it’s presented now, United States-Mexico-Canada (UMC, very boring), and make it the Canada-United States-Mexico agreement (CUM!).

Ooooooh Kanye, what’s up with that?  What’s up with that!?

Starred just for:

Brett Hull playing for Canada would have almost been enough of an existential dilemma for me to just stop watching hockey.

We all know it’s only legal until [QB name] injures his [body part].  Then it will be 15 yards for “flinging” the QB, or something like that.

I will definitely be moving on from my 2011 G37x in 2 years or less, and am getting kinda sad already that it’ll probably to a Stinger or a Genesis (Genesis was also strongly in the running when I bought the G37 in the first place), when all I really want is my same awesome, sporty 3.7L, no turbo car with better tech.