Mildish Tarentino

So if someone broke into your house, stole everything you love, and you had no evidence at all except for the fact that you saw his face and know he did it, how would you feel if he got away with it? Would you call that case “evidence free”?

Blah, blah, blah, unwritten rules of baseball. Old schoolers are starting a GoFundMe to have his half a milly restored as a reward for protecting the integrity of the game as we speak.

South Park and Family Guy are both now on near 20+ year runs by making over the top offensive jokes solely for the sake of being offensive, and using that attention to point out that the reality of these situations are often even more fucked up than their satirical takes.

Oh I’m aware, I’m living in Ford’s Ontario. The sex-ed thing is a travesty.

Umm not defending them, have never voted Conservative/PC/Reform in my life, but yeah, they’re called politicians, and they’re all shitty.

A good friend I work with has a prosthetic lower leg/foot (specified to indicate he still has his knee), and I really wanted to forward him this article. However I’m always caught in between whether just to talk about it like it’s no big deal, or not call attention to it. I wanted to ask you as someone in a similar

You do realize some people are born that way right?

It’s not really that bad, most of our Conservatives (outside of Alberta...) would probably qualify as slightly right of centre Democrats in the US.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on reading. Comprehension, critical thinking, and empathy, not so much.

Would just like to point out that marital rape wasn’t yet outlawed in all 50 states for the first 8 years of Pence’s marriage...

So if someone broke into your house, stole everything you love, and you had no evidence at all except for the fact that you saw his face and know he did it, how would you feel if he got away with it?  Would you call that case “evidence free”?

Just another subtle brick in the “All Men Are Rapey” Wall. It’s just around the corner from the “She Was Asking For It With That Miniskirt” Bridge.

Acting as legal representation for a porn star = Skeevy liar with horrible morals

Uhhhh, yeah a Miata is not an S2000...

Scrolling through the twitter replies from Avenatti’s original post was making me kind of nauseous, so I had to stop. Literally people all in the same breath saying; “It’s all lies, why should we believe creepy porn lawyer”, and “She’s a horrible sociopath for continuing to attend parties where she knew girls were

Shit, the worst thing that happened to me was this one time I got hustled at a pool hall and my Uncle had to come save the day.

These crisis actors are getting really good

+1 Blue Wall