Mildish Tarentino

Considering Netflix spent roughly $500 million a month on content production alone in 2017, and Disney wants to compete for real, unless you’re assuming “Disney Play” is all free content, because... Disney already paid for it?, I’d say $240 mil in subscription revenue a month to break even sounds pretty reasonable.

Considering Netflix spent roughly $500 million a month on content production alone in 2017, and Disney wants to compete for real, unless you’re assuming “Disney Play” is all free content, because... Disney already paid for it?, I’d say $240 mil in subscription revenue a month to break even sounds pretty reasonable.

The British Broadcasting Corporation called to say they don’t think this is very funny at all.

Before everyone goes all “They’re cracking down on her for wearing a medically necessary garment!”, she’s been wearing much less obvious, equally medically effective, compression tights, ever since.

Maybe I’m not exposed to American sports page headlines enough, but this is maybe the best headline I’ve ever seen:

I like it, seems less artificial and superimposed than the yellow line. Although looks like it needs some work with greenscreening or whatever process they’re using cutting off the players legs and such.

I’ll partially support your take. For Jays games Sportsnet here in Canada does a version your “third” point, where it doesn’t pop up until after the pitch n’ catch has been completed. I’ve apparently been way too conditioned to it, because both other options, not having it all, and having it superimposed 100% of the

They totally missed the boat for a good acronym. It could have been:

Canadian here, killing shit in video games since 1986. Have fired a gun exactly once moose hunting with my grandfather I was 13.

And I hope he burns in whatever hell he believes in for the shit he did as a politician. Warmongering, healthcare gutting piece of garbage.

Guy was punished his whole career for being more intelligent than the media that was covering him.

Expecting him to experience a moment of uncomfortable self-recognition amid hosannas to a life lived less monstrously than his own is in no meaningful way less insane than expecting a moral awakening from a fucking slot machine.

+1 for making a joke that goes over most Americans’ heads

Seems to me like Angelenos are a little in denial about their football fandom, and it’s really just an NFL problem.

Gee if only those subjects were somehow related to the movies he made and starred in....

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Damn, I was still giving credit to the Vikings for a good defense too, but I’d forgotten about letting a backup QB go 26/33 for 352 and 3 TD’s in a Championship game... welcome to the club boys!

I mean, you might as well throw the Packers in there too, since we haven’t had a cornerback since Charles Woodson played safety for us.  Seems to be an NFC North thing.

What exactly is Carolina BBQ anyways?  Sounds like a bad joke involving burning crosses to me.