Mildish Tarentino

All you “shy poopers”, I’m not judging you, the last part of my post was very tounge in cheek. I actually hope I’ve made you feel better now knowing there are others like you.

That’s like sending nude pictures of yourself to a boyfriend or girlfriend, then getting mad when they share them with someone else.

He’d actually probably be more pissed off if she denied it.

It’s absolutely amazing, that “Molson” is likely one of the words most often seen by Bills fans, due to the label in their hand, in front of their face, bottles littered all over the ground, etc.. AND THEY STILL CAN’T SPELL IT RIGHT.

I appreciate your dedication to egg order phrasing etymology.


Or, y’know, they could just be referencing the way to describe how you want your eggs poached or boiled, which goes soft, medium, hard, and makes perfect sense in terms of the consistency of the yolk.

Ah ha, a variation.  I think you’re in the clear since it’s more about hiding your poop break length rather than the fact you just pooped.  Solid input though.

Ahhhh, see the singular sink situation, that’s a logical reason.  Standing over someone’s shoulder waiting to wash your hands, very awkward.  There’s 4 sinks for 2 urinals and 3 stalls in the bathroom in my example however.

Haha, yeah I’ve noticed this on the packaging before, and have literally never heard anyone actually say it.

Sounds great. Where do we start?

I hear ya, v-neck tees under the nice shirt for dry pit preservation.

I was mesmerized by that first highlight pack you posted of this guy, his dribbles are out of this world.  If only he had literally any other soccer related skills...

Hey man, we’ve got enough union busting going on without robots coming for the umps jobs.

Good point, I think that would be the difference between what in my neck of the woods would be called a “muscle shirt” vs. a beater. I hadn’t considered them in my original analysis, and they are much more socially acceptable IMHO. When I hear “men’s tank top” I just automatically assume beater.

I’ve noticed on a few occasions now, as I stand at the sink at work washing my hands, someone in a stall who has long since flushed, just standing inside the stall waiting for me to leave the washroom. Obviously they have some sort of embarrassment that they can’t face another human who knows they just took a shit. I

Nope, I don’t have that luxury, but unfortunately (or fortunately for them) for politicians the only consequence for skipping their performance reviews, is that they don’t get any bad reviews.

Nobody is really defending or apologizing for the fact that they act this way, just stating the truth. What exactly would you have individuals do to hold their representatives accountable? The only recourse we have is elections, where you can vote for one liar, or the other liar.  The system is broken.

Men’s tank tops ( are we allowed to call them beaters anymore?? :\ ), fine for home, hanging in the backyard, anywhere you’ll also be wearing a swimsuit, even a close friend’s outdoor summer party, all fine. You wear that shit to the grocery store you better believe you’re being pegged as on the couple bottom rungs of