Mildish Tarentino

I agree with your Rolling Stones take, although I’ve been back and forth several times over the last 20 years on which of the two are better. I don’t begrudge the Beatles backers anything, they have very good points, I just happen to prefer the Stones more blues heavy sound.

Ah ok, so the classic “extra case of beer a paycheque” to placate the unwashed masses, while food, housing and utility costs continue to rise 10%-20% a year plan, got it.


All the men and women who make up the walk have contributed something to society that can last for generations

Good God... this is the first time I’ve heard it parsed that way, makes so much sense. That the country’s values are just “based on” the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, may be the most accurate thing I’ve ever heard.

Hogan auditioning one of the Bearer kids for his new manager?

Asked for a response to this, Balderson provides a statement that ignores it: “Danny O’Connor will be a vote for Nancy Pelosi, a vote to repeal middle class tax cuts, and a vote against the policies turning our economy around. We don’t want Danny O’Connor representing us.”

Listen Dude, weird things happen when your income is tied directly to the sound and smell of burning welding rods ok?

As I said, specifically “rig” welders were making that kind of bank. Which basically means you’re running your own business and contracting yourself and all of your own equipment out, including PPE, cold weather gear, welding gear and truck (the aforementioned “rig”), and maintenance for all of that.

The union is not beheld to the company. Seems to me it has nothing to do “company property”, but rather that these larger companies are unionized, while the smaller ones may not be. That means union work potentially performed by non-union workers, which is pretty much the main thing unions exist to protect against.

Unless they want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher (eww), or a P. Eng. I tell EVERYONE to go learn a trade. So much wasted money on useless Bachelor degrees.

I am a proud Canadian who slips y’all in quite often, could be working in the oil industry, could be too much rap music. I’ve only spent 10 days in Texas so that definitely wasn’t it, although I was a y’all machine when I came back from that trip.

I’d take a handful of good chrome/stainless welders right this minute...

Kids are dumb, especially these days where millenials seem to be teenagers until age 25 or so.  Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give them the tools to be non-garbage people and hope something will click later.

I think it goes even further than that. I mean gosh, these good god-fearing kids could start questioning their parents and the teachings of Imaginary Sky Lord if we start teaching them to think for themselves.

I knew “Pressure B” rig welders (Certified to weld on pressure vessels/piping in the province of Alberta) in the oil sands making $175/hr, and that was 5 years ago.

A lifetime of stars for the person who calls, records, and posts a conversation of “just talking goats” with this company.

Oh neigh baby, oh neigh