Mildish Tarentino

Have you seen the one with the orcas tossing the still alive baby seal back and forth 30 feet up in the air for an hour before they eat it? Don’t remember which nature doc, but it’s currently on Netflix.

He added, however: “We are only one keyboard click away from finding out something that we haven’t seen up to this particular point in time.”

Counterpoint: Diving on the ground repeatedly while having hard ass soccer balls fired at your face.  Not fun.

All very good points.  I just like to imagine what the world would be like if everyone disarmed after WWII instead of continuing to double down on military spending.

Greased up naked rugby eh, can we make it co-ed?

*slow clap*

It’s Splinter Trump Headline Mad Libs!!!

I’d like to think that most of the world have realized the futility of challenging international borders via armed conflict and the consequences of doing so when you’re viewed as the aggressor, but hey we’ve got Russia over there doing their thing right now so who knows what the future holds. I do in fact give the

I nominate Mr or Mrs Gromgererer here to succeed Betsy DeVos, as he or she clearly has a better idea of what American children should be learning than a bag of white lady bones fueled by the tears of children of colour.

There should be fucking flames shooting out of this comment.

Draymond Green, a living, breathing personification of a train horn

I’m pretty sure I vaguely remember drunkenly arguing someone that the Texans were actually a team in The Replacements.

Beat me to it.

I’d love to, but I don’t speak Russian, and I’ve heard its pretty tied up electing your government.

I’ve seen your further explanations regarding logistics, the lend lease, Allied military coordination, and the influence of the results of the Pacific theatre on the European theatre and vice versa. Apologies for assuming you were not educated on the subject and just some popular culture influenced “USA! USA!”

I always thought it was a Russian exclusive term too, until I watched Narcos on Netflix. At least in the spanish-to-english translation subtitles, Columbians also referred to the rich families who ruled over their countries as oligarchs.

Russian Oligarchs are a special instance. Putin (and earlier Russian rulers)distributed national assets to individuals loyal to them to use that money and power on his behalf and on behalf of the government. They are not just Russian Billionaires. They are proxies and assets for Government rulers, especially Putin.

Sure let’s just keep all the jobs in the Military Industrial Complex when there’s no real wars and no threats that a traditional military can physically protect the country against. Not like we could now spend that same money on creating jobs in a sustainable peace time industry, or... y’know, started doing that 70