Mildish Tarentino

Yeah fair enough. They’re probably unfairly cast in a negative light (which has affected me too apparently) in the media because they’re one of the only successful branches of unionized labour remaining to report on, and they’re funded with taxpayer money, so it’s a little easier to root against them than a bunch of

The 2nd thing.

Great article Michael, however

I’m sure I could find a more PC way to phrase this, but my mother and both my sisters are excellent at the white lady “polite bitch” routine (I’ve used this term in their presence and they didn’t explicitly dislike it, lol), I think we all know what I’m referring to. I have seen them win numerous seemingly hopeless

Fox News as an entity seems to be breaking from their straight up idolization of him a little bit.  Hannity and Carlson on the other hand, I can guarantee their reaction to this will be supportive.

In terms of treating rec league softball like it’s game 7 of the World Series, yes.

“Union Busters” were using socialism as an anti-democracy boogeyman long before WWII my friend.

Was about to post the same thing. Unions = good. Government unions = mehhhhhhhhhhhh

I’m pretty sure that if the entire team walked out on him tomorrow, every football player on earth swore to never play for him, and the Cowboys never played another football game, Jerry Jones’s heirs would still be making a ridiculous profit off Cowboys merch in 2050.

Joseph McCarthy:Are you protesting anything?”

Thanks. That’s what I assumed the difference was, between releasing actual evidence detrimental to the corporation vs. unsubstantiated claims.

-bro hug-

Preach. I have seen/know woman executives who are fucking ruthless in the corporate environment (even in college for that matter). You’re right, it is absolutely not a competition issue. It’s about wanting to have a nice, relaxing, socially fulfilling, team building, extra-curricular activity, and having caveman bros

Staying together isn’t always the answer man.

I will admit, I only know about “shorting” from the “Drug Short” Dirty Money episode focused on the rise and fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals.

Tastes like crab, talks like people.

I’m a hopper too, don’t know if I’ve ever actually watched a whole scene. I watch porn like a Sportscenter highlight reel.  Even given that, I would imagine most of us really only need 3 - 15 minutes to take care of business.

Canucks and Browns fans are the only fan bases I feel bad for.  That’s coming from a Leafs fan.

If had to choose between divorce and never having sex again it would be a pretty short mental conversation.