Polish Peasant

I too have a feminist cat.

the boys

My Gus cat is a feminist. I can tell by the adoring way he looks at me. Just heart eyes all the time.

Someone on Gawker once responded to my comment pointing out his misogyny by saying, “Says the fat woman who men ignore.”

FUCK Ian Connor forever and ever. In addition to being a rapist, dude has no talent, surfs by on other people’s waves, and is in general a tremendous douchebag. I hope he dies alone on a garbage barge.

People keep insulting her “baldness” when they troll her on Twitter. I just don’t understand it because she looks bomb with shaved hair.

You want to know what broadcasters want to say when criticized by viewers or listeners? “I don’t call you at work to tell you how to flip the burgers, honey.” A meteorologist has studied long and hard for that degree - and having to meet all sorts of appearance expectations from television producers is a pain in the

It’s very unpleasant to be in the same room as a man who won’t stop talking about how beautiful a 16-year-old is.

“Narcissism is awful, and young people are the worst, but isn’t this 16-year-old girl super hot?”

Sorry, this was a bad reply. But I agree with you! And I’m very sick of movies and TV shows and even, like, advertisements that profess to condemn something while directly and explicitly contributing to that thing they’re saying they condemn!

One needs to recognize the influence that peer pressure and the attitude of having to fit in can have on someone.

Change “drunk raping” to “drunk driving” and change “will have to emotionally deal with the fact that I was raped for the rest of my life” to “I’m in a wheelchair for the rest of my life” and there is no way this guy only gets three months.

*Reads first quoted section*

A guy who did his own fair share of sexual assaulting back in the day, I would imagine.

I hereby announce my candidacy for Santa Clara County Judge to run against the unopposed incumbent Aaron Persky, the judge who administered such a light and atrocious sentence. I am obviously more qualified to be a judge than this man.

Hook up/party culture and sexual promiscuity are the shit head dog whistle for “she was a slut and she wanted it. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

…a canny way of exalting himself above his crime in order to lessen it. And so long as that cynical method of denying and excusing rape works, like it did here, people will keep using it.

I want to demolish the assumption that drinking and partying are what make up a college lifestyle.

“I wish I’d never been so athletic and handsome!”

People aren’t hammering home enough that he fled on foot when caught. NO ONE reacts that way to “sex” getting interrupted; that’s only how one flees the scene of the crime.