Yup. Because no one has ever called me "fat" before. How original and observant you are. I'd rather be fat that stupid.
Yup. Because no one has ever called me "fat" before. How original and observant you are. I'd rather be fat that stupid.
Take them skateboarding?
Nothing, we mean nothing, turns a woman off faster than the smell of feces.
Fascinating! Thank you for this explanation, I had no idea. I agree, the taking away credit cards seems really abusive, and, since you stress the ability to escape, DANGEROUS. Again, thank you.
Or a nap. That seemed exhausting. :)
That french fry skull made me so hungry.
Hahahahah...uh...wait, you're not kidding are you?
Interesting. So, the whole time out, and lecturing, and credit card taking stuff would happen in normal D/s? I'm not being snotty, I really am curious.
Yay for your comment and yay for a Lafayette gif. Just yay all around!
You're probably right. I don't know enough about D/s stuff, though, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole "taking away privileges" and "time out" stuff isn't really D/s, is it? If it is, I have no interest in D/s (apart from fun spankings).
That's what I was wondering...except my spankings are pretty sexy, and don't involve "correcting" my behavior. Also, Mr. Peasant doesn't take away my credit cards or put me in time out.
Well that blows, sorry, friend! I've had great luck with New Balance (weirdly enough)—though I have to get those through the internets. I was being totally intentional with the first part of the comment, the latter part was my own happy experience. In the last few years I've been lucky enough to find more W sizes and…
Cue someone whining about how its okay to make racist/sexist/homophobic jokes because its just humor and you're too much of an uptight feminist to get it. Harhar.
Your grandma sounds awesome.
You're absolutely right. It still hurts my head, but I have family in the South (trust me, it needs to be capitalized here), and they have the same crazy rationale. "I'm not racist! I just miss the idea of the Confederacy!" Eep. Or, "I'm not racist! I watch Tyler Perry movies! They use the 'n' word, so I can too."
I just...I cannot even..the whole Paula Deen thing drives me up a f*cking wall. Come on lady, do better. Just be better.
Pft, yeah here's the thing about jokes, they're *funny*. There's a fine line between pointing out the stupidity of a stereotype (i.e., women don't grill, women aren't CEOs of F500s) and blithely going along with it. The more you perpetuate the "normalness" of these ideas, the more harm you do.
The NSA, protecting you from Urban Outfitters clothing since 2013.