Haha I should have totally been like, "....so?" But I was so mad.
Haha I should have totally been like, "....so?" But I was so mad.
Young love. What can I say? Happily even at 17 I knew that turd was only worth flushing.
Mesmerizing. Best political gif party I've witnessed in a while. I will now stop writing my dissertation and spend the afternoon gazing upon the glory of THIS.
She's a beautiful woman, I find it hard to imagine how anyone can take that away, even when they paint on those bags under her eyes. Yeesh.
Ugh I know. He reminds me of this one boyfriend I had in high school (he was in college at the time), who, during one dinner date at (the extraordinarily lavish) Ruby Tuesdays (Rubi Mardis?) took out his bank statement and started adding up everything that he had paid for during the two months we had dated. Of…
You win! :)
Thank you! Sheesh. James Bond is a damned super-spy. His job is kicking ass and chewing bubblegum. I think you need to be at least a little in shape for the situations he lives through in these movies (specifically that crazy chase scene at the beginning of Casino Royale—I'd love to see Cohen savoir-faire his way…
Oh Brad. I can't not hear you speaking in stoner-voice. I can't unhear it. No matter what. Even when you made those excellent points about marriage equality the other day, and I totally loved you for it, all I could hear was Sean Penn's character from Fast Times.
Preach it. People are complex, complicated, thinking creatures with different emotional, sexual, and psychological needs at different times in their lives.
Wow, came here to say the exact same thing, but you beat me to it. (Though I would add, despite the Riley factor, that "Hush" is one of my all time favorites)
I'm so excited that other people are excited by men in full length coats. I nearly died watching vintage Buffy the other day. I feel like Angel was contractually obligated to wear only ankle-length trench coats for the entirety of season 2.
Ha! You got us! We sneaky feminists have been plotting a war on men for decades: refusing them birth control, limiting their reproductive rights, hell, even their rights to privacy and a while back their right to vote. We've flooded our culture with sexualized images of men that encourage viewers and consumers to view…
I hear ya. I can never understand why anyone would pay $168 for a t-shirt material dress. I mean, seriously? You can't even wash that shit either. It's all "dry clean only"—like the precious little snowflake that is an Anthro garment will fall to pieces if it sees my bourgeois washing machine.
How are professors only 8th? My advisor drinks about a gallon every two hours. Dude is wired. I call bullsh-t.
Awful. Read _Tenant of Wildfell Hall_ by Anne Bronte. Sooooo much better.
Brava, Dodai. As always, a reasonable voice on a thoroughly unreasonable subject. I don't care if she "gets paid to be thin." Knock it off people. Technically she gets paid to make music and perfume (and clothes maybe? I don't really follow the fashion stuff). Her voice is still spot on and she entertains people. Who…
Yes ma'am. He is a fiiiine looking man. I'd be willing to sell something very dear to me just to have him do the "I love, you" | "I know" exchange with me. Siiiiiiiigh.
Me too! I'd be happy to break a sweat with Alex. Yum.
Ye gods, how could anyone make it through 44 pages of this drivel? I could barely finish reading the synopsis. Yu-uck. I know they don't have a legal reason to fire this guy, but I know I wouldn't want any kid of mine (male or female) meeting up with this guy for counseling.