Hali Golightly

The point is that dudes want to take the opportunity to tell us how big their wieners are.

I hope he’s forced to present his dick into evidence at trial*, so the jury can decide for themselves whether his dick is as big as he thinks it is.

lol no. No, dude. I am here to tell you. No. Eta I hope no one gives you stars


Oh, good. I’m so glad she got to lose right before she died.


Oh, boo hoo. He was traumatized from raping someone. waaaaa! Fuck him and fuck you.

Yes. He is the real victim here. Victim of drinking and hookup culture, no doubt, but also judicial overreach. Poor sweet Brock. I hope only the very worst things befall him every day for the rest of his life.

Also, maybe, anxiety over having to face the consequences of his actions? He's a fucking rapist, boo hoo for his poor appetite. Not concerned for the actual victim, experiencing actual PTSD though? Just the rapist and his feelings.

Those cyclists gave him quite the jitters, I tell you what.

What caused his PTSD, pray tell? Being held responsible for his actions?

Also, we live in America. For better or worse, many places have open carry laws, including Brock’s hometown, I presume. I am opposed to open carry laws and to the ongoing proliferation of guns in this country, but I can’t fault people for carrying guns in public when it is perfectly legal. The right makes a regular

Feel free to dismiss the rape apologist if you’d like!

I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.

I agree that media pile ups often go too far, and she shouldn’t be deprived of gainful employment over her mistakes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean her heart was in the right place.

She did not admit that she was wrong:

I had a horrible teacher who seemed to really dislike me and take every opportunity to be a raging dick to me. I’m pretty sure it’s because my mother worked at the school and he didn’t get on with her so why not take it out on her child, like great use of power there Severus fuckin Snape. He’s a headteacher now and I

I feel concerned for his ex, she needs to change her number and move the hell across the country.

I’m a guy. One semester in college I had a break in between classes that was not long enough to go back to my room or to one of the dining halls (which were at opposite ends of the campus, and not close to where my next class was) to eat lunch, but still long enough to have a nice relaxing lunch at the student union.