Halifax Steppenwulf

This is very disappointing to hear. Alan Wake was one of the few horror games I've really enjoyed.

I'm playing the GBA version, but the PSP version is fully voiced and has even better music

I've been playing a lot of Riviera: The Promised Land on an emulator, and it's definitely one of the most interesting takes on turn based RPGs I've ever played

I'm gonna be playing Anime Campaign, a TRPG done over Roll20 that, despite its name, it actually more akin to a superhero game where you either use a random word generator to get a word that defines your powers (like "hellfire" or "guidebook") or are a regular person who just so happens to be so good at something

Next you're going to tell me that I can't wear socks with boat shoes and just have to live with the blisters because it's better to look good than to feel good

Good point

It looks a little like Inside a Star-filled Sky

I mean, that guy was probably squished, let's be honest here. Standing in front of an oppressive regime's tanks is not generally good for one's life expectancy.

No, I'm offering up some unfortunate implications in their design

I feel like the "Fearless Girl" sends some real mixed messages. Like, yeah, cool, she's standing defiantly in the face of that charging bull, but she's still either going to need to get out of its way or be gored. And that's not a woman thing, you could be an NFL lineman and you'd still fucking die if a bull that big

Seeing as how the game has so far handed out orbs like candy, and 4-5 star units similarly, I haven't felt even the slightest compulsion to spend a dime. It helps that what I've played so far is piss-easy.

Skeltals and (possibly) NANOMACHINES SON is exactly what I expect from Kojima's next game

I've been playing a lot of Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1. I'm really surprised at how much their exceeding my expectations. I also just finished an awesome game on Friday called Va-11 Hall-A where you tend bar in a cyberpunk dystopia. I have not dedicated as much time to Pokemon Sun as I'd have liked. Kudos to

As for the hosts' treatment of Logan, the park is stated to get much more intense the farther out you go (and it sounds like they're at least at the midgame). Additionally, he seems to be a masochist and might've consented before hand to more intense (and immersive) physical violence during his stay.

It is indeed. It's not especially historically accurate as it prioritizes fun gameplay instead, but it's definitely the most fun I've had with a shooter in years.

I've been dumping way more hours than I should be into Civ 6 and Battlefield 1. This has been a weekend well spent.

Man I hated working at Tim Horton's. Getting there at 5:30 in the morning only to spend hours dealing with grumpy people who haven't had their coffee, cleaning hundreds of cigarette buts from the parking lot, the insane regulars who demanded drinks be made to their exacting and obtuse specifications to the point that

I know it wasn't specifically part of the article, but I'm a little surprised no one brought up NGE's take on cosmic horror and its influence. After all, what's the most logical response to finding out that eldritch gods that want to wipe out all humanity? Why you make your own gods of course!

How about "Propane Nightmares" by Pendulum

I'd probably pick Clint Eastwood's Blondie from The Good the Bad and the Ugly. He's almost single minded in his pursuit of what he wants, but he'll still mercy to those he pities.