
Vinnie Jones as Butcher.

She apparently got a divorce IIRC, but when her ex shows up dead the same day those papers were signed, there'd be questions, right?

Rise of the Planet of the Apes, tho.

*Grumbles disapprovingly (about grammar, not marriage equality, just to be clear)*

Are you talking about two guys? Because in that case it should be "fiance."

One shot to the reactor, and the whole system blows. That's what you said.

Never give up, never surrender.

I'm not giving up on the theory that Meera Reed is Jon's twin sister. She's the same age, and her father was also at the Tower of Joy.

She's going to "break the wheel." That's her plan.

Not Dragonstone, I believe he means the site of the battle. Seems like that was pretty close to King's Landing, like right across the Blackwater.

Worth it.

Joffrey had tons of weapons, that was just one dagger he grabbed from Robert's chest o' blades. Why Joffrey couldn't hire a cutthroat who had his own daggers is beyond me. Littlefinger lost the dagger to Robert in some wager. Joffrey wanted Bran dead because he thought he was putting him out of his misery. Also,

No, Joffrey hired the cutthroat.

If Jaime dies, how is Bronn going to get that castle? You think Cersei is going to honor a pledge made by the brother Bronn failed to save?

Not illegitimate: Rhaegar and Lyanna were supposedly married in secret. But even then, that doesn't change Jon's upbringing. He was still raised as Ned Stark's bastard, he still died and got resurrected, and that doesn't go away just because he learns something new. Still carries all that baggage with him.

Yes, all of that, but I can't hate a show that has dragons and a Mongol horde attacking a medieval army.

That was basically the only wagon that wasn't on fire. Could have been a couple of others that went up.

And if he'd succeeded, people would be like "Dude, you killed a girl? Not cool."

Let it not be overlooked: through the course of this series, Davos has gone from illiterate to grammar nazi. And that's the greatest journey of them all.

She's very committed to the part.