
Do not respond to obvious Star Trek-Star Wars baiting. Do not respond to obvious Star Trek-Star Wars baiting. Do not respond to obvious Star Trek-Star Wars baiting. Do not respond to obvious Star Trek-Star Wars baiting. Do not respond to obvious Star Trek-Star Wars baiting …

And I've now streetviewed every Fry's in the Southwest. That's the only one that's even close. Plus that looks like an Arizona plate on Leon's car. But it looks like they lifted that store to a different location - not only is there no neighborhood next door, but the real-life location has a much wider sidewalk

Okay, checked the scene again. The facade is a dead match for the Thunderbird Dr. Fry's. But in that scene, there's an empty big box store to the right (west) of the Fry's. In real life, there's a neighborhood there, and it looks like it's been there for years. Did they go to all that trouble just to make that place

Although the facade of the location on Thunderbird Dr. certainly looks similar. I'll have to watch that scene again.

The Fry's in the episode is next to an older, abandoned Fry's. Neither of the Fry's locations I found on Google Earth match that. Which one are you referring to?

They mentioned it was the same car from Fast and the Furious, right?

Canada has eaten over 30,000 Skittles. They seem okay.

The bar looks straight out of The Shining as well.

The royal family is pretty human looking. Medusa has prehensile hair, which might be hard to do on a TV budget. But most Inhumans depicted in the comics are rather non-human looking. Something like how Raina ended up, at the least.

Whatta you gonna do? The pattern was full.

So we're going to get more Inhumans who look exactly like humans? Okay, cool.

So, Whiterose wants to build herself an android lady (gyndroid?) body? Is that where it's all heading?

Four songs, if you count Davy Crockett. That one didn't make it on the album, though.

If not for the Civil War, Jefferson Davis would be a footnote to history, best known for (re-)introducing camels to the American West. A pity, really.

Probably already mentioned, but too many Big Lebowski cast members have passed away. Stay strong, Sam Elliott.

Yeah, I don't buy it. I think she confessed as much on the subway ride.

Did Darlene go to the Johanna Wellick school of murdering people? Just had to let Susan Jacobs know why she was dying, I guess.

Do they have a more worthy cause? Walter White created a high-quality product and people paid him lots of money for it. Fsociety destabilized the global economy and brought suffering on untold numbers of people who did nothing to deserve it. Like Dom's sandwich guy. And while Walter White had some collateral damage,

Did that scene involve feeding a dead lawyer to dogs? Because that's where I thought it was going.

Oh shit, that was Duck. Of course he was at the bar.