
I'm not saying Brian Cox wouldn't have done a fine job. I'm just not dissatisfied with the performances of any of the characters he might have played. He would have been a good Balon Greyjoy, I guess.

I wonder if he and Dany have talked that through. Jaime has to be number one on her shit list, and Tyrion kind of owes his life to the guy. That could cause some friction between two fan favorites.

Also, that high-strung lady who tried to throw you off a mountain? You're never gonna believe this, but she got thrown off a mountain.

Yeah, no way I'd replace him.

Oh, you can get Cox quite cheaply in Croatia, if you know who to ask.

Grand Maester Pycelle, maybe. I'm trying to think of a substantial character who would have been improved by Brian Cox's performance.

I wanted to see what happened to that beach after super-genius Piper hunted the clam population to extinction.

Do you not watch TV shows after their first season? Do you even own a television, or is that beneath you?

Slow down on "sequels" - Part 3 is clearly a cynical play for money. I'm just talking Part 2.

Which of those, out of curiosity, is Godfather II?

Or Heywood Allen's?

I wouldn't spare a thought for Chris Nolan.


Galaxy Quest, Toy Story … has he done anything else wonderful?

Or at a bad party. It's not funny if you play it with unfunny people.

No mention of Pizza Dog?

Didn't Ultra Humanite try to steal your body not so long ago?

Having it turn Green would send an even stronger message to both parties.

I love Mosquito. I don't get the hate.

I mean this state is so red, that if she's close to winning this one, she'll have so many other states in the bag that it won't make a difference.