Yeah, could be. Like, Stannis at the Blackwater big mistake. I was thinking, "Dude, confine her to a tower or something. You've got plenty."
Yeah, could be. Like, Stannis at the Blackwater big mistake. I was thinking, "Dude, confine her to a tower or something. You've got plenty."
We just say Fucking-Smarty-Pants.
That explains how Theon and Yara got to Mereen so fast. Didn't have to sail around Dorne.
I saw him at a con a couple decades ago. Someone asked if he was going to do a follow-up album. He said he'd do it when he felt like losing more money.
Wait, are you counting those two Masters as "named characters" just to screw people who picked the under? Because that's dirty pool.
Watching Ellie?
Maybe Bran can greensee it or something. "Hey Jon, Robb named you his heir. Also, our aunt is really your mom. Deuces!"
Josh, there are some artists in this span of the alphabet that I could recommend, but I'm actually astonished that you don't own any Cranberries CD's. How did you make it through the '90s without getting at least a couple of those?
They don't always have Kingsmoots. They only did it because Balon died without a male heir (other than Theon).
Or, since Littlefinger was in no way a surprise to the audience, have a scene of the Knights of the Vale on their way, and make his intentions ambiguous, so we aren't really sure what he's going to do. Lots of better ways to handle that twist than what they did.
How has it done that? Because he led "20 good men"? If I was Karstark, I wouldn't have put up with that nutjob for a second. Doesn't mean I would have welcomed the Starks back, though.
I was really hoping the episode was going somewhere with Ramsay's poor leadership skills. He declines single combat, he murders his own troops. At some point, Lords Karstark and Umber had to have their doubts about him, yeah? Both of those guys (particularly Karstark) have a better claim to the North than Ramsay. What…
Didn't it? That's what I get for going with the audio books; I can't remember which is which sometimes. Could have sworn that was in the show.
I think my assessment holds regardless of his true parentage. Rhaegar was pretty impulsive as well.
Wait, we can post videos?
*Ramsay gets eaten by dogs*
Jon: Let us PAWS for a moment of reflection.
Sansa: I conCUR.
Well, Robb legitimized Jon and named him his heir a while back. Not sure if anyone alive still remembers that.
I would have been totally fine if Ramsey had died a gruesome death in the first five minutes, and then Jon and Sansa had just made Bond-like puns about it for the rest of the episode. That would have been just great.
He's his father's son, alright.
Well, I guess we can call that one a miss. Maybe in the books, though.