
I went to see some local bands last week. One of them was selling CD's for $10, or a download card for $5. I went with the card. But there was a phase there where I only bought CD's so I could listen to them on the way home from shows and then immediately rip them to my computer.

It's not the sound for me. I just find vinyl mesmerizing. Digital music is amazing in its way - all the technology and the global distribution infrastructure and all that. But it's, you know, computers. Vinyl music is, to me, far more inexplicable. A needle traces a groove in a plastic disc, and somehow I'm hearing

I'm caught up on AoS, and I don't think it's very good. Better, sure, but that's a low bar to clear. Writing's still clunky, plot is still tedious, Coulsen's still Coulsen. The alien planet stuff this past season was the best thing they've done, but there's just so much else that's wrong. And then other, better Marvel

And that's just the Hollywood-ified version! You should check out her birth name.

But they left out Abe Vigoda. I was waiting expectantly for that "For old times' sake" line, but it was not to be.

For a brief, beautiful second I thought OK Go had won an Oscar. Alas.

Stephen Baldwin is more likely to be the perpetrator than a victim, but that could still happen.

This show would be a lot better if Kimmy Gibbler turned out to be a Vengeance Demon.

I was hoping Jeff Daniels would say something like "Heads are going to roll for this!"

Ignoring the idea that someone in that position at NASA would be so woefully ignorant of science and geek culture, she wasn't even that good at her job. Basically everyone who talked to the press was woefully unprepared. Jeff Daniels' initial announcement that Watney was dead lacked the sort of gravitas you might

I know it isn't the popular position, but Jeff Daniels' character was right: sending the Hermes and crew back to Mars was a mistake that put additional lives at risk. They should have used the Chinese rocket to resupply Watney and made him wait until Ares IV could come and get him.

We don't know that. We never see Saul's private life in BB. Maybe he went home to Kim every night. Maybe she followed him to Omaha. Considering how much we know about where this character is headed, something has to remain unpredictable.

That's what bothered me about the way Breaking Bad ended. Walter White is probably the guy Saul has the most cause to fear (he killed Mike!), and yet he's willing to live in a basement with him for a couple of days. No thanks; I'll take my chances with the DEA and Uncle Jack.

I don't know if I would have liked the movie better with Mel Gibson, but the scene where Max is shorn by the War Boys certainly would have taken on an added layer of meaning.

I saw this film with my family during the holidays. When we got home, I told my mom that I really admired a film that could be so openly disparaging of its audience. It repeatedly tells us that we're too stupid to understand all of this, and that we were too busy paying attention to useless celebrity bullshit to do

Go-Bots debuted before Transformers, though. Wait, does this mean one of them has to consume the other? I'd watch that.

And no other (Zelda) game, in all this time, has used another version of the recorder and ladder from Legend of Zelda? Weird.

I see three, possibly four nipples in that picture.

That was a different time, for sure. Comics are lucky to crack six figures these days.

Maybe not. He was born in Puerto Rico, and Joaquin is a Spanish name. If you take him out, it looks even more bleak for the Academy.