
The EQS styling fits a CUV much better than a sedan.

Based on other info out there this is looking more like of a case of classic pilot error mixed with some face saving on their (the pilots) part.

It’s not hard to pin down why this was killed at all.

No. Toyota has a 20% stake in Subaru and a long term partnership. They do not wholly own the company. 

I’ve known people who have gone to Angela Krause to test drive/physical look at vehicles on the lot, then proceed to order/deal with numbers at another dealer. Their markups are insane, even for non-Mach E or Broncos. They are trying to sell things like EcoSports at $1-2k above sticker. 

I heard good things about Hennessy Ford in regards to markups on orders (or lack thereof). Angela Krause…not so much. 

I mean Ferrari has already made a station wagon- the Ferrari FF and whatever it’s successor is called (I lost track of Ferrari naming years ago).

One of the hags you meet in the hut at the opening of DS2 let’s you respec if you have the proper item.

They didn’t scrap the mandate or do anything close. Those that got approved medical or religious exemptions are just returning to their old positions. They are working under those exemptions. Those who did not get exemptions and did not vaccinate were fired (months ago). All new employees must either be vaccinated or

Really DS/BB/ER games is just learning that no matter what level you are and where in the game you are the simplest trash mob can easily kill you. If you are patient and realize your limitations (eg fight enemies one on one not in groups, don’t rush into/through areas especially if unfamiliar with area, you don’t have

I believe you can still get invaded in Elden Ring solo, but my understanding is the item(s) required to invade are very scarce and difficult to find until much later in the game, so you don’t see many if any invasions early on. I’ve yet to be invaded as well (other than NPC ones, but those don’t count).

I mean it’s pretty obvious when you encounter/are about to encounter a main boss of the area. Their room is either sealed off by a fog (err…mist) wall that you have to purposely traverse, or the first time there will be a cut scene and if don’t beat them then subsequent encounters will have the fog wall.

Yes you get healed to full health every time one of your messages is approved. This is the case with all the Souls and Bloodborne games as well.

“I have to question who this vehicle issupposed to be for. Did GM’s market research find that some people were asking “Damn, I wish GM made a poor college student’s BMW X4?” If that’s what they found, I wanna have a talk with them.”

HZD is nothing like Ubisoft cluttered map style open world. There are only fixed side missions (and for the size of this game not many), and a few optional activities in each area. Most of the icons on the map are just there to tell you what enemy is found in the marked area. There are even maps you can purchase (with

HADES and HEPHAESTUS’s end goals are different.

Yes, the present day world building needed some work, it was never as engaging. Major plot points (for present world) also seemed to lack any pizazz and seemed incredibly small in scope.

The best part of HZD is it answers literally every question you would have from the first few hours of playing. All in a nice neat self contained story where you don’t have to go to other media or play future games to understand what’s going on while still providing enough crumbs to set up other games (but still lead

This was a meeting about BF2042’s failures. Failure to perform in expected sales and player engagement (which they can hopefully translate to more money with microtransactions) is certainly part of the discussion. And in that area the competition with Halo did not help. They are not blaming Halo for BF2042’s poor

I actually agree. I’m not sure about great but looks better than it’s platform mates and the A pillar back especially is fairly nice. I like the DLO shape.