
I wonder if both parties were super-surprised as to how similar their uniforms looked. It’s uncanny.

Um is he 4’9 or did we just troll the Chinese by sending over every piece of naval brass over 6 feet tall?

They even stole our blueprints for our naval dress uniforms!!!

And by stole, I mean just made some extra from the orders they received to make our uniforms for us. *sigh*

I don’t know, one time our deployed chow hall delivery was a week late. We had to pretty much eat hamburgers and fries for like a week straight. Missed my steak and lobster Friday dam it!

I’ve witnessed members who have been successfully prosecuted Art 108 “destruction of government property” due to sunburns bad enough that they were hospitalized. In the 90’s a lot of piercings and tattoos art 108 occurred and still do.

I agree wholeheartedly that this needs to be a huge deal. The guy who wrote the LoCs needs to be the one whose career ends over this, not the pilots. I just think the amount of hyperbole going around in the comments here about how destroyed these guys lives are, and how there’s nothing left for them, is a bit over the

They’re pilots. What else are you expecting them to do? Certainly nothing at the level which they were doing before.

To be fair, the situations in which a someone can be executed without a trial are incredibly few, and apply to an equally small number of people...

It’s like if you went to med school and became a doctor only to have your license stripped because you sent some sexy messages to your wife while you were working. You’re done with med school which took up literally 1/4 of a good long life, 1/3 of a not so healthy persons. What are you going to do?

“ but the restrictions on what you are allowed to do or say in uniform aren’t any more strict than private companies would ask of their employees in a public setting. “

There is a LOT of confusion in this thread about servicemember’s legal status under the constitution, what the UCMJ is, etc.

You may not realize this, but when you go into the military, you agree to live by the UCMJ, which has different rules and regulations. Things that are “civil rights violations” are explicitly permitted under UCMJ for certain things. It’s pretty common to have your shit searched as part of an investigation or if you

I had a friend I was stationed with get the Big Chicken Dinner (Bad Conduct Discharge) 25 years ago and he still cant get certain jobs in the IT field

An ‘other than honorable’ discharge from the military is a very big deal indeed. I’d say its right below a felony conviction as far as things that can torpedo a job application go.

You give up a lot, but not everything. And nor should you roll over if accused falsely.

with great moustache, comes great responsibilities.

Because its super easy to just go back to school, learn how to do something completely different, get a job despite having a less than honorable service record, pay off student loans, and thus begin a new life. Right?

This is the equivalent of having a medical license revoked or being disbarred (with the potential for criminal charges tacked on).

I’m pretty sure people also can’t be property in the U.S. anymore, we had a fairly large argument about it in the past.

You have next to no rights when you join the military. Even officers give up rights when they are commissioned. You are property, not a person.