Huh. Side effects sound an awful lot like those from Navy coffee.
Huh. Side effects sound an awful lot like those from Navy coffee.
You want to invoke ISIS in a thread about Rumsfeld? Wow ... just fuckin wow ... you’re an idiot.
Dumb bombs dropped from 30k feet don’t give a fuck about “defined lines”. The Russians don’t either.
Problem is civilians. If you’re willing to kill civilians that can’t escape then fine, carpet bomb away.
You won’t find much of fucking anything on the US MSM. Gimme BBC, Al Jazeera, Haaretz ... anything else for international news.
Shhh, gubmint is evil, let him live in his little bubble.
Went through the same shit in Nebraska. Got pulled over outside some bumfuck town “for speeding”. To keep it short, once the trooper realized my friend was hispanic he called for a K9. Neither of us did drugs so I wasn’t worried.
Look up the Silver State Classic.
Looks like how you’d kick a door open. And kicking the biker like that led to a couple cracked bones so I’d say it was effective. For police brutality purposes, anyway.
Nah. Cops rarely face charges for shooting people. Even unarmed ones. That dash cam video would’ve disappeared and Officer Dickless there would’ve gotten a slap on the wrist.
This. The fact that this roid-raging pig got promoted while his brutality was being investigated is infuriating. Jesus, he should’ve been fired on the spot.
Huh. That’s just about mirrors my old ass, beat to shit XL250.
What’s the trope? When in doubt throttle out?
I knew this made too much sense. You guys been huffin JP-8 too?
This. While I generally hate my fellow Americans taste in cars, Toyota is the one bitching out here.
My dick can only get so erect dot jpeg.
Probably a seagull. Fucking seagulls.
Soooo you want to talk shit on the military ... our perfect example of single payer care ... while claiming to champion single payer?
Man I love this shit, but it pisses me off that it’s a private company and not NASA. Jesus that makes us look pathetic.
Nah, he had no moment of clarity. He heckled a fucking driver into the stands. He was plastered, or an asshole, or both.