What a fucking waste. Looks like it was a glorious, insane old track.
What a fucking waste. Looks like it was a glorious, insane old track.
KCIR is my ghost track. Former 1/4 mile dragstrip in Kansas City. First place I saw drag racing. First place I saw (and was deafened by) funny cars and top fuel machines. First place I raced a car. Legally anyway.
You don’t get it. These motherfuckers are literally some of the best qualified pilots in fucking existence.
No. If you are dishonorably discharged from the military no one who does business with federal gov’t will hire you.
You are the definition of a fucking troll. 0/10 and may God have mercy on your soul.
Maybe you should huff less paint and watch less Fox. Just a suggestion.
“And in other news, a new aggressive form of syphilis is rampant in western China ...”
They’re not well trained and China has no real means to move them abroad. They have no force projection.
I can appreciate that mentality, guys who loathe stock shit. I haven’t owned a stock car or bike in years.
“person in the Navy”, that would be a sailor bud.
Let’s not kid ourselves; all low-level engineering is a pretty rote, zero-creativity process.
This. Friend of mine used an old E250 for a dirt bike hauler for years. Gas mileage sucked, ride sucked, his girlfriend fucking hated it ... but it was surprisingly reliable. Did the job perfectly.