
@Type1: I don't understand why anyone would make a pure tactical RTS game with gameplay that is somehow slower then gameplay in both WC3 and SC.

RTS games to play instead of Starcraft:

@Variatas: Well, you seem to be talking about the frequency of combat. In which yes, combat isn't as frequent in Starcraft2. I was talking about fast things actually happen, and the amount of reflexes (something an FPS player might enjoy) you needed to play a game. Get distracted for a second in Starcraft and

@Frazzleberry: you can download it digitally via their site tho.

@Roth: Well the editor is fairly technical now, but its all GUI at the moment, custom scripting is almost 100% optional.

@CapitalJigga: They specifically designed the single player not to do that, which is why their are like twelve single player only units and thirty wow style "talent tree" upgrades you buy with out of game resources (credits). Challenges games are designed to prepare you for MP.

@BigDaddy0790: At higher leagues rushes are relatively rare, maybe in 1 out of 10 of your games.

@SapnaKolling: Frankly Starcraft 2 is more different then its predecessor then 90% of the sequels for any FPS or RPG released in the past six years.

@Carey.Laius: Its like the Frozen Throne. Except 2 instead of 1. .

@boylegd: Look I'm just going to say as a consumer regardless of any fanboying for blizzard or whatever I like the new model. The SC1 campaign was as amazing of an experience as the multiplayer, so being able to play it in an expanded form with an additional expansion is just awesome for me. Its not like they

@Ubik! the Rat Parade: I was hoping you'd say "Don't have the money", to which I would tactfully respond

/puts on valve fanboy hat.