@Cookiecat: The way WoWs numeric aspect works is its designed in a way to make mediocre people feel like their doing well, while still valueing true contributors.
@Cookiecat: The way WoWs numeric aspect works is its designed in a way to make mediocre people feel like their doing well, while still valueing true contributors.
This is actually a really good idea. Leveling up by doing IPS reports.
-ugh, nvm, I misread that-
Heh. Remember when SC2 beta opt ins were sent to you?
@Duin: Do you want a cookie or something?
@Fernando Jorge: What else would they be?
-meh nvm-
@Grinning Kestrel: oh I see, I read it on a SC2 mapping/modding site, so I thought it was a mod.
The crazy part is that this was done /without/ an editor, which hasn't been released yet, but just manually editting game code :P
@Meteoric: I am too.
"By contrast 25 percent of boys and 30 percent of girls qualified as sedentary, which means three or more hours per day sitting on one's ass "
@Meteoric: lol. I enjoy playing God of War with 10 FPS on a 640x640 screen at 1/3 game speed. I really do. This is not a joke.
@MilkManNick: God of war, similar genre. Much less suck.
@Laronvas: Don't worry, I don't imagine him breeding.
Kill MSG and we'll have a fine looking list right there
@Etheris: you're a poopy head.
@DonMKB: hrm...who says it can't
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Find me a single quote in which the gist of the message was "He deserved it"...