lols. That top ten list is terrible. Theirs only 1 thing that makes a game less fun, those five he mentioned are side effects or causes.
@icepick314: You can start p2p games authenticated to battlenet.
@gold163 (° д° ): I don't know. I wouldn't say that not including LAN means that the game has to suck.
@Prinny: Its not a zerg rush when your already got like a hundred tier 2 units :/.
@VincentGrey: I'm just curious how 305$ worth of video games is any different lol.
@ejs2000: Uh...
@Gusdor: I never implied the game pushed boundaries, the original starcraft didn't even do that.
I think the "too similar" is a lack of understanding with the genre, because RTS is a less frequent genre most people are not terribly familiar with. (no offense). SC2 has changed with what you'd expect it to change within a decade.
@mrpibb79: I'm just curious, does working within Activision still require the same ridiculously expanded "crunch time" workweeks when a game approaches the end of its production, commonly found in other companies?
I've never seen someone fail harder at intentionally trying not to look like an asshole.
Starcraft 2 and Civ 4 in one year?
@ArmoredCavalry: I think it may have been a poor pun.
@sqlrob: Stardock is a DRM/Distribution of course...