
I am admittedly pro-life, and strongly so. Let’s momentarily put aside the pregnancies caused by rape, which are awful, awful situations that I have no answer for.

What if the baby is female? I get confused then whose rights are being infringed upon

Clinton Response: Debate in Flint so that common focus can be put on Rep Governor (not Dem town council) and avoid her own weaknesses, possible indictment not withstanding. Sanders will look tacky and angry again by going after her again. Genius strategy by the campaign sure to win the DNC nomination.

FREE STUFF!!! YAY!!! #Democrats2016

Adoption is too expensive in the United States. By lowering the prices, incentivizing foster care services, etc. we could raise the rate of kids getting into better homes.

Where the heck are they going to school? Couldn’t they get jobs to offset costs?

Sounds like more people need to live within their means. 55 is too young to retire. That’s insane. Crazier than that is the idea that the government should be required to take care of people.